Critical Care Ultrasound

Dr. Brian Buchanan
Director - Critical care Ultrasound

AB Sono

Welcome to the Department of Critical Care Medicine's section on acute care ultrasound, also known as "Alberta Resuscitative Sonography". We are excited to introduce you to the exciting and evolving world of bedside ultrasound in caring for the critically ill. Acute care ultrasound covers an array of applications from critical care echocardiography and thoracic assessment to vascular access and procedural guidance. Acute care ultrasound is rapidly gaining traction within the realm of critical care and other specialties (e.g. emergency medicine, anesthesia, internal medicine) across national and international boundaries and encouraging acute care physicians and affiliated practitioners alike to become trained as critical point-of-care sonographers.

The website for the Alberta Sono program is at and Twitter profile is @UAlberta_Sono. The Alberta Sono website is the educational hub for education, research, and administration in acute care ultrasound for the DCCM. Herein you will find descriptions of ongoing research, educational endeavors (rounds, workshops), video tutorials, and useful references and links. While Dr. Brian Buchanan MD MMEd FRCPC is the director of this initiative, he is supported by a network of ultrasound-trained intensive care physicians across the Edmonton Zone who provide ongoing input and support to the program.