Application Process

Man and child opening their mouths wide

Learn About the application process

Each September our students host the OASIS conference that includes a session with information about the Application Process. This year's conference will be held in person and virtually on September 21, 2024.

CASPer Info Webinar for Applicants

The Casper Team will be running through an overview of the Casper test, why programs have adopted Casper, what to expect on test day, and tips on how to prepare for Casper. Consult the Casper Information Webinar for Canadian Applicants.

Online Application Process

The online application process opens on November 1 for the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. On November 1, 2024, you can begin your application by logging in to the Apply Grad Admin Portal.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research is now using an online application system, Graduate Student Management System (GSMS), available to students applying for the Fall term.

A non-refundable, mandatory $135 application fee is required before your application is officially submitted. The department cannot review your application until the application fee has been paid.

All "in-progress" (unpaid) applications will be deleted after 21 days or the deadline date of February 1 at 11:59 pm, whichever comes first. 

Applicant referees will be contacted via email after the application has been submitted (i.e. paid). Referees will have until February 1 to submit their letters. After February 1 the applicant's file will be closed.

Payment is done during the online application process; do not send a $135 cheque to the Department.

Ensure that when completing the online application the following choices are made:

  • Department: Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Program: Master of Science (Crse)
  • Specialization: Speech-Language Pathology
  • Proposed Start: Fall 20XX (year that you will be starting the program)

Online Application

There are 2 options, course-based and thesis, for the MScSLP program. Students interested in completing a thesis can request to do so after acceptance into the program and once the program has started.

Students can apply online until 11:59 pm February 1. After that time, online applications will not be accepted for the SLP MSc program.

The only documents required to be uploaded during the online application process are your transcripts. We strongly advise you not to wait until the last day to complete your online application. The application process can take at least a week (e.g. to obtain reference letters).

If you have any technical difficulties applying to the program email or phone 780-492-3499.

To complete your application for admission to the MSc SLP graduate program, ensure you have uploaded the following materials. Be sure to title your documents as your last name, first name, document description (e.g. Fraser_John_Resume.pdf) for each file. All file names should end with ".pdf".

If you have any questions, please contact

  1. Casper Test: You can register for the test using your first and last name, date of birth, and a piece of government-issued ID. It is recommended that you use the same email address to register for the Casper test as well as for the online graduate applicant portal. List of test dates and times, with a January 2025 deadline. You can sign up for the test at takecasper.comMore information about the test.  Please indicate your completed or reserved test date on the MScSLP Application Required Information form.
  2. Transcript(s): Upload a scanned copy (no screenshots).
    • CURRENT Official transcripts and marking/legends are required.
    • If you have courses in progress (Fall term) you should submit an updated transcript in January before the deadline, once you have received Fall term grades. If you have already submitted your current transcript before your grades were available, upload new transcripts in January. If an updated transcript is uploaded, it is the student's responsibility to let the department know so that grade calculations are accurate.
    • If you studied abroad, you will need to upload a copy of the original transcript, as well as a marksheet translated into English if necessary.
    • If you are completing courses outside of your degree, or prerequisite courses at a different institution than where you received your degree, please select "incomplete" as the degree status on the online application form. This will enable you to access your application and upload an updated transcript after you have submitted your application.
    • Make sure to save your file as Last Name_First Name_Document type_Related Institution.pdf (if applicable). All file names should end with ".pdf". For example: Fraser_John_Transcript_McGill.pdf, Fraser_John_DegreeCertificate_UBirmingham.pdf.
    • A maximum of 2 courses can be in progress during the Winter term or courses noted to be taken in Spring or Summer sessions. As soon as a student has registered for a spring or summer course the student should send in proof to the department at All courses must be completed before the start of the Fall term.
  3. English Language Proficiency - If applicable.
  4. Resume: Students are to provide a personal resume outlining relevant information to strengthen their application. Specific focus on personal skills, knowledge, learning experiences, etc. related to Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) is recommended.  Make sure to save your file as Last Name_First Name_Document type.pdf. All file names should end with ".pdf". For example: Fraser_John_Resume.pdf.
  5. Statement of Interest:

    Answer the following questions. Question 4 is optional. Our goal is to get to know you better in terms of your interest in Speech-Language Pathology and alignment with the values of the department. Your application will be reviewed in detail initially by two faculty members and then by the admissions committee. Do not exceed two double spaced pages in total.

    1. Why do you want to pursue graduate training in Speech-Language Pathology and, why at the University of Alberta?
    2. What unique qualities will you bring to a graduate training program in communication sciences and disorders?
    3. Please describe your perspective on equity diversity and inclusion (EDI) and/or your personal experiences with respect to EDI. How will these perspectives impact your role as a future SLP or student in the MSc-SLP program?
    4. We may not have asked something that you find important to share with the admissions committee. Let us know if there is anything else that we should know when reviewing your application.
    Make sure to save your file as Last Name_First Name_Document type.pdf. All file names should end with ".pdf". For example: Fraser_John_CareerInterests.pdf.
  6. Pre-requisite courses document: Upload the MScSLP Application Required Information - provided on this page.
    • If applicable, include correspondence indicating course approval, (email is sufficient).
    • For courses that have not been pre-approved (not listed on our website or approved by the department), include the syllabi. It is highly recommended to get course(s) approved before applying to avoid disappointment later.
    • Make sure to save your file as Last Name_First Name_Document type.pdf. All file names should end with ".pdf". For example: Fraser_John_PrepCourseList.pdf.
  7. Request Section (References): Ensure that you enter the referee names and email addresses correctly.
    • Students are required to submit 3 letters of reference, at least 2 of which need to be academic.
    • There will be three boxes to check when filling out your reference information: 2 Academic, and 1 Work. The "work" reference can be academic, work, or a volunteer reference.
    • References will be contacted via email once the application has been submitted and paid for. It is the student's responsibility to ensure references/referees receive their link from the UofA admission portal.
    • References will be advised that they have two weeks to complete the information. Note that when the application has been submitted less than two weeks from the the closure of the Admissions window, the application deadline applies and they may have less than two weeks.  All documents must be submitted by the application deadline, no exceptions or extensions.
    • The reference appraisal form is done online.
    • The work/other reference only needs to upload a letter.
  8. Re-Applications: Students who are re-applying to the program will have to submit all new documents and retake the Casper test. CURRENT transcripts are also necessary.


  • Applications must be submitted and paid for before the department has access to any information.
  • Referees will be contacted via email once the application has been submitted and paid for.
  • It is not necessary to send copies of uploaded documents to the department.

Applicants must apply online, upload all required documents and make a nonrefundable payment of $135 by February 1, 2025, to be considered for Fall 2025 Admission. Check the Grad Application system regularly to keep track of material that has been received. It is your responsibility to follow up if an acknowledgment is not received regarding a complete application.