Our Handbook contains all our policies, procedures, and protocols.
Review all our intramural league and special event rules here
Captain | Responsibilities
  1.  It is the responsibility of the captain to ensure they have received payment if necessary by all team members
  2. Make sure their team members who will be playing are correctly registered and eligible to play 
  3. Communicate with intramural staff if issues or questions arise 
  4. Ensure that their team members have completed their waiver 
  5. Make sure they are keeping up with standings, schedule and points and spirit ratings, and emailing intramural staff if a discrepancy is found and would like to be corrected
  6. Ensuring they are communicating changes with their teams as needed 

Participants can only play on 1 team in the league Example: if you are registered with your team “bedchambers” for Wednesday Futsal you cannot play on “one hit wonders” for Wednesday Futsal. However you can sign up your “one hit wonders” team for Thursday soccer instead because this is a different league!

Captain | Quiz

Each Intramural Sports Program has a specific quiz dedicated towards giving each participant a general understanding of each league. 

  • The quiz link can be found online here
  • Participants can find their specific league tab and select the quiz that corresponds with their league. 
  • At a minimum, 2 team representatives (usually the captain and/or assistant captain) from each team must successfully complete the quiz in order to receive points in their standings (1 quiz completion = 1 point in your team standings and 2 quiz completions = 2 points in your team standings)
  • Participants must receive a score of 80% (or higher). 
  • Participants may take the quiz as many times as required to achieve a passing grade. If a team registers for more than one league, they are required to complete a quiz for each of their intramural sports program(s).
  • Emails regarding quiz completion and points to help with their teams standings will stop being accepted 7 days prior to playoffs commencing.

Submissions after the Quiz Deadline of each term will not be tallied into your team’s standings however it is highly recommended that you complete the quiz to have a better understanding of our programs.


Code of Conduct

Participants attending (including supporters) any Intramural Sport Program are responsible for conducting themselves in an appropriate manner. Our Intramural Sports Programs emphasize the importance of fair play and sportsmanship in all our programs, regardless of level of play or ability. Behaviour that defies these values will not be tolerated. All participants need to respect each other and avoid destructive behaviour.

We would like to emphasize that Intramurals is committed to being an inclusive, safe, and enjoyable space for all people from all walks of life. Any action that detracts from this experience will follow our Code of Conduct guidelines in this section.

The Intramural Sport Programs Code of Conduct focused on program / activity type violations that happen within our leagues and special events. Any reported behaviors that supersede the Intramural Sports Program Code of Conduct will be addressed by other areas on campus who have the resources and expertise to support those types of incidents. Areas include, but are not limited to: Dean of Students, UAPS, Risk Management and Insurance, etc.


  1. Conduct Board: Including the Conduct Board Chair, is made up of a minimum of 2 Campus & Community Recreation staff members.
  2. Conduct Board Chair: Head of the Conduct Board who handles incident investigations along with communication with participants/staff regarding sanctions.
  3. Program Coordinator: Head of the intramural sports program.

Code of Conduct Protocol

Staff, participants, spectators, etc., may witness individual or team behaviours that detract from enjoyable experiences within our programs. These types of behaviours should immediately be reported. Code of Conduct Protocol is designed to better inform anyone who may have been involved in a Code of Conduct incident, the following procedure is to be followed.

  1. The staff member(s) most closely linked with the incident (generally the staff who responded or was supervising and present) generates a report of the incident. The report details what actions were taken leading up to, during, and following the incident for all those involved (i.e. the actions of staff, offending participant(s), etc.). Participants themselves may wish to report an incident. They can do this by emailing intramurals@ualberta.ca to submit their concern(s).
  2. Any incident report should be submitted in writing for the purposes of keeping all perspectives documented. Reports should be as detailed as possible to better support next steps. A report may include:
    • the names and/or descriptions of any witnesses to the incident, and/or any participant(s) and/or team(s) involved directly or indirectly to the incident that occurred.
    • Details on the incident - what happened, when it occurred, where it happened, what activity was taking place, etc.
  3. Incident Reports that fall within the scope of the Intramural Sports Programs will be reviewed by the Intramural Sports Program Conduct Board.
    • If the incident is deemed to be outside the scope of the Intramural Sports Programs and/or the Intramural Sports Program Conduct Board, Intramural Staff will ask that the participant(s) and/or team(s) involved be connected with different resources on campus (e.g. Dean of Students, UAPS, etc.). 
    • Intramural Staff will support by providing contact information to those resources, where possible. A list of some resources is also available in Section 9 of this Handbook.
  4. The Conduct Board will reach out to those involved in the incident, letting them know a review will be necessary for the incident they may have been involved in. Participant(s) or Team(s) may not return to play Intramural Sports Programs until an incident result has concluded and/or their suspension has concluded.
  5. The Conduct Board will reach out to staff who may have been involved or witnessed the incident for further information. The staff members will share their perspective in writing as to keep all perspectives documents.
  6. The Conduct Board may follow up with participant(s) and/or team(s) involved for further clarification. Participant(s) and/or team(s) may respond in writing their perspective to support the Conduct Board’s decision by documenting and reviewing all perspectives involved. Some incidents may not require further follow-up.
  7. Based on the inquiry information provided, inclusive of staff, participant, and/or witness (e.g. spectator, team captain, teammate, etc.) perspectives, a review and result will be concluded by the Conduct Board.
  8. The result will be emailed to the participant(s), team(s), and/or league(s) (depending on the scope of involvement), inclusive of the Class (if any), the Sanction (if any), and the end date of the sanction (if any) by a Conduct Board representative.
  9. Code of Conduct Sanction(s) may be necessary based on the review of the incident report(s).
  10. All incidents and inquiry results will be documented and stored securely within the Campus & Community Recreation database in perpetuity.

Code of Conduct Sanctions

The sanctions below represent the process in place for the Conduct Board to better guide an appropriate response to incidents during our programs. Class violation and their corresponding sanctions are determined by the Conduct Board through incident inquiry.

  • Participants(s) and/or Team(s) are not eligible to return to any intramural sports programs until their end date of the sanction has lapsed.
  • In the case that multiple infractions occur in a single event, sanctions will be combined.
  • Repeated violation of rules will result in an increase in the duration or severity of sanctions.
  • Sanctions can be given to an individual, a group of individuals, and/or a team.

Any violation not falling into the Code of Conduct is cited in other areas of this Handbook. These violations, although not defined as a Code of Conduct sanction, are not prohibited. Examples are: ineligible players, not having proper identification to sign-in, etc.

Class A

Minimum Sanction: Probation

  • Minor acts of disrespect towards staff, participant, or team 
  • Disregard for sport rules and regulations
  • Acute/repetitive disruption of gameplay 
  • Use of ineligible player (team probation)
  • Swearing
  • Excessive body contact (any contact beyond that is deemed to be above the appropriate level necessary when challenging for a ball).
  • Excessive celebration and/or obnoxious behaviour.
  • Questioning the referee’s calls inappropriately.
  • Improper personal safety equipment (e.g. no shin pads)
  • Improper adherence to Intramural Sports Program specific safety rules

Class B

Minimum Sanction: 1 game suspension

  • Repeated Class A violations
  • Inappropriate and/or offensive language or gestures directed towards a staff, teammate, and/or participant
  • Misuse of registration management system
  • Misuse of facility and/or equipment 
  • Ejection from a game
  • Messaging staff on their personal email and/or social media accounts
  • Receiving a Red Card (Futsal, Soccer)
  • Receiving 3 accumulated Yellow Cards (Futsal, Soccer)
  • Receiving a Game misconduct penalty (Ice Hockey)
  • Receiving a Misconduct penalty (10 minutes) (Ice Hockey)
  • Receiving 30 minutes of cumulative penalties over a season (Ice Hockey)
  • Fouling out - 6 fouls in a game (Basketball)
  • Receiving 10 fouls over a season (Basketball)
  • Receiving a Flagrant foul (Basketball)
  • Dunking (Basketball)


Class C

Minimum Sanction: 2 game suspension

  • Repeated Class B violations
  • Verbal altercation involving a staff member and/or participant
  • Spitting (all sports)
  • Playing in a way that is dangerous to others


Class D

Minimum Sanction: 3 month suspension

  • Repeated Class C violations
  • Instigation of a fight (all sports)
  • Participation in a fight (non-instigator)
  • Violation of the program’s Alcohol, Cannabis, and Tobacco Policy (below)
  • Targeting a player’s head



  1. Any player sustaining three (3) penalties within a game will be automatically ejected from the game, with no further punishment.
  2. The referees have the right to remove a player from the game without penalizing the team at their discretion. Unlike a game misconduct, the Balance of Game penalty does not come with an automatic suspension.

Out-of-Scope Violation Examples

Some incidents fall out of the scope of our Intramural Sports Programs. Those incidents will be handled by various other areas on campus, such as Dean of Students, UAPS, etc. Some examples may include:

  • Theft, misuse, or destruction of Intramural property (fine will be commensurate with the replacement or repair cost of the associated property)
  • Intent to harm others (verbal or physical)
  • Derogatory, sexist, misogynistic, and/or racist language both in person or online
  • Inappropriate touching / contact of others
  • Physical/sexual harassment of Intramural Staff and fellow participants
  • Any local, regional, provincial, federal, or international laws that may have been broken

Alcohol, Cannabis, and Tobacco Policy

Playing while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Game staff will remove a player/team if there is any reason to believe they may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Any player in violation of this rule will be immediately suspended from all Intramural competition. Alcohol, cannabis, tobacco or other drug use in the change room or on the playing surface is strictly prohibited. 

Exception: For events taking place at a licensed venue (Golf, Curling, Bowling), consuming alcohol purchased from the venue is permitted, as long as it does not detract from the enjoyment and safety of others.

Spectator Policy

Spectators are both welcomed and encouraged in Intramural Leagues. However, spectators are required to behave respectfully at all times. Players and Captains of Intramural teams are accountable for the behaviour of their supporters. Teams and their supporters may incur sanctions based on their supporters’ behaviour. 

If needed, Referees and Activity Monitors may eject spectators from Intramural events. In this case, any refusal to leave will be considered trespassing and will be referred to Protective Services.

Eligibility, Awards

Intramural Sports Programs have a variety of recognition mechanisms in place to incentivize teams who excel in a specific league or special event.

  • An overall equal to or greater than an average Spirit Rating of 4.0 or higher will make teams eligible to win Champions t-shirts. 
  • Teams with an average Spirit Rating 3.9 or lower, teams are ineligible to win Champions t-shirts and will not have their team name engraved on the league trophy.
  • Teams with an overall rating of 3.9 or lower will not be eligible to play in playoffs.
  • Individual participants on teams (even if team average is 4.0 or higher) with Code of Conduct violations of Class B or higher will not be eligible. 
  • Teams with 2 (or more) Defaults will not be eligible for champions t-shirts
  • Teams with 3 (or more) Forfeits will not be eligible for champions t-shirts
  • Teams who do not have at least 2 team leaders complete (and pass) the quiz will render their team ineligible for t-shirts.
Eligibility, Participant

To be eligible to participate in the Intramural Sports Programs, all teams must:

  1. Have completed their registration payment,
  2. Have completed their team registration,
  3. Must ensure their team has correctly registered as a Student or Non-Student Team,
  4. Must be added to their team’s Roster Form,
  5. Must have had all participants sign-in each and every game,
  6. Must abide by all policies, procedures, and protocols in this Handbook, including the Eligibility requirements in this section.

It is the team Captain’s responsibility to make certain that all players who have played or are going to play for their team are registered properly, appear on the team roster, and that they are eligible. The captain should communicate with Intramural staff in advance of their participation if they have any questions surrounding team and/or player eligibility.

One Team Per League

  • Participants can only play on 1 team in the league Example: if you are registered with your team “benchwarmers” for Wednesday Futsal you cannot play on “one hit wonders” for Wednesday Futsal. However you can sign up your “one hit wonders” team for Thursday soccer instead because this is a different league!

Varsity Team Member

  • Any member of a Varsity team or Junior Varsity team are ineligible to participate in their particular sport (for example, a Bears Hockey player cannot play in Intramurals Hockey). A team member is an individual who has participated in one regular league game, tournament, meet or race for that team at any time after May 1st of the current academic year. A person currently “trying out” for a particular team is also considered a team member. Also, any member of a Varsity team or Junior Varsity team may not participate in an Intramural activity requiring the same basic skills (for example. a Bears Basketball player cannot participate in the Intramural 3-on-3 basketball tournament). Any varsity member found playing in a league will have to withdraw themselves from their team and any games they participated in would be considered automatic Defaults. 


  • Any current professional (or semi-professional) athlete is considered ineligible for that particular activity.

Suspended Player

  • A suspended player may not participate in any recreation programs until the suspension period has ended. This includes all intramural leagues, tournaments, and special events, not just the specific league a player was suspended from.

Underage Player

  • A non-University of Alberta student, under the age of 18 may not participate in our intramural sport programs.

Injured Player

  • Injured players asked to stop playing their game for safety purposes.

Unregistered Player

  • All players must be added to their team’s Roster Form and have their waiver completed.

Use of Assumed Names

  • A player using a false name (i.e. another student’s OneCard) shall be barred from all Intramural activities for the remainder of that year. Specific instances will be reviewed by the Intramural Conduct Board to determine final sanctions.

Playoff Participant

  • A participant must have played in at least 1 regular season game to be eligible for finals week. Exceptions may be made, with advanced notice, in the case of injury or illness. Recreation staff must be informed of any issues that will cause missed participation due to injury or illness by 12 pm (noon) on game day. If a team is playing with an ineligible playoff participant, that team will receive a Default.

Multiple League & Team Participation

  • Participants may not register in 2 different leagues on the same night during the same time range or on more than 1 team in the same league. This includes leagues that include a re-seeding component. Re-seeding links together 2 different levels of the same league (e.g. Recreational vs. Advanced) which means these 2 leagues occur during the same night and within the same time range


Use of Ineligible Player

Any team using ineligible participants shall Default any games in which the ineligible player(s) take part. Teams that used a player who could not be eligible (i.e. varsity player, on another roster) will be placed on probation as stated in our conduct board. Multiple violations will lead to teams being removed from the league.

Eligibility, Playoffs
  1. Each participant must have played at least 1 regular season game for your team;
  2. Your team has achieved an average Spirit Rating Average of 4.0 or greater;
    • teams will still be allowed to have their game, but the game will not count in the standings results
  3. Your team has less than 2 regular season Defaults;
  4. Your team has less than 3 regular season Forfeits;
  5. Your team’s participants meet all eligibility requirements outlined in the Participant Eligibility section of the Handbook.
Game Day | Defaults & Forfeits


If a team fails to show up and/or notify Intramural Sports Program Staff 8 hours before the game start time on game day the game shall be declared a Default. A Default occurs when:

  • In-Game Participant requirements (e.g. not wearing shin pads in soccer / Futsal)
  • Minimum Participant requirements / ratios are not met (e.g. not having enough players, not having correct mixed ratio)
  • Participant eligibility requirements are not met (including playoffs eligibility)
  • A team does not notify Intramural Sports Program staff 8 hours prior to game start time (if notified 8 hours before, the Default will be downgraded to a Forfeit)

A team who Defaults more than 2 times will be removed from the league, with no possibility of refund.


Teams unable to field the minimum number of players may forfeit the game by alerting Intramural Sports Program Staff 8 hours before the game start time on game day. This will allow time for Staff to notify and/or reschedule where appropriate.

  • In most situations, if the participant minimums are not met, it results in a Default, unless injury results in a team dropping below the minimum. In this case, a Forfeit Loss results.

A team who Forfeits more than 3 times will be removed from the league, with no possibility of refund.

Game Day | Rosters

In order to avoid Defaults or Forfeits, teams must have a minimum number of players in-game at all times. Please review the chart below to ensure you have enough players for your Open and/or Mixed Intramural Sports Program offerings:












Basketball, 5-on-5



5 (3:2)

4 (3:1)

Basketball, 3-on-3



3 (2:1)

2 (1:1)




4 (3:1)

3 (2:1)




10 (7:3)

6 (4:2)

Futsal, Indoor



4 (3:1)

3 (2:1)




4 (3:1)

3 (2:1)

Hockey, Ball



4 (3:1)

3 (2:1)

Hockey, Ice



6 (4:2)

5 (4:1)




10 (7:3)

8 (5:3)

Soccer, Indoor



6 (4:2)

5 (4:1)

Soccer, Outdoor



8 (6:2)

6 (5:1)

Softball, Slo Pitch



10 (7:3)

8 (5:3)




2 (1:1)

2 (1:1)

Ultimate, Indoor



5 (3:2)

4 (3:1)

Ultimate, Outdoor



6 (4:2)

5 (3:2)

Volleyball, Beach



4 (2:2)

3 (2:1)

Volleyball, Big Pink





Volleyball, Indoor



6 (3:3)

5 (3:2)

Volleyball, Outdoor 2s



2 (1:1)

2 (1:1)

Volleyball, Outdoor 4s



4 (2:2)

3 (2:1)

Water Polo, Innertube



7 (4:3)

5 (3:2)

  • All numbers include goaltenders/keepers for Intramural Sports Programs (e.g. Futsal 4 vs. 4 = 3 + 1 goalkeeper).
  • Any team short players but still meeting the minimum requirements must play shorthanded. Their opponents are not to be convinced or persuaded to match shorthanded teams, as this sacrifices the playing time of their participants who arrived at the activity.
  • If a team begins the game with the required participant numbers then drops below the minimums due to injury, that team will Forfeit, rather than Default.
  • If a team begins the game with the required participant numbers then drops below the minimum due to Code of Conduct incidents, that team will Default.

Roster Maximums

A team may include up to 25 participants. This includes substitute and nomad players. If a roster size is different than the 25 maximum, it will be communicated as part of the specific program offering.

Game Day | Scoring

Game Results are traditional point values given based on the final score of a game (win, tie, loss).  Default games and Forfeit games can lead to teams being removed from leagues.

The following chart indicates the points distribution for league standings.




Forfeit Win

Default Win



Forfeit Loss

Default Loss








  • Default Losses (DL) and Forfeit Losses (FL) also have pre-set (lower) Spirit Ratings.

Determination of Standings

Standings are determined by different criteria depending on the sport and the league in question. However, most commonly the standings are determined by:

  1. Most Total Points
  2. Higher Spirit Points Average
  3. Higher Spirit Points Total
  4. Most Wins
  5. Least Losses
  6. Higher Point Differential

A 3-Way Tie

A 3-way tie is worked out by:

  1. Games involving the tied teams only (Win-Loss Record Only)
  2. Point Differential in all games
  3. Point Differential in games involving the tied teams only
  4. Most Points Scored
  5. Most Participations

Spirit Ratings

Spirit Ratings are the University of Alberta’s system of measurement to sportsmanship and commitment to fair and fun games.

  • Team participants, supporters, injured players, coaches, and any other team affiliation factor into a team’s Spirit Ratings.
  • A team defaulting a game will receive an automatic Spirit Rating of 1. Their opponent will receive an automatic Spirit Rating of 5.
  • A team forfeiting a game will receive an automatic Spirit Rating of 2. Their opponent will receive an automatic Spirit Rating of 5.

Spirit Score

Default Win


Default Loss


Forfeit Win


Forfeit Loss


Double Default

1 (for each team)

  • Intramural Staff can be reached at any time to discuss Spirit Ratings in any of our programs. Spirit is of utmost importance to Recreation and it is expected that all teams will treat each other fairly and respectfully.

Opponent’s Rating: At the end of each game, team captains will rate their opponent on their sporting behaviour.

  • Intramurals Staff will verbally ask each Team Captain (or team representative) their rating, confidentially.
  • If a Team Captain (or team representative) wishes to give a Spirit Rating of a 2 or a 1, Intramurals Staff will ask for justification.

Staff Rating: After each game, the referee will rate each team on their sporting behaviour, including their conduct toward one another and toward the referee. 

Spirit Rating Descriptions



  • This is the best score given to a team displaying good sportsmanship.
  • Team was friendly.
  • The game ran smoothly.
  • No behaviour incidents.
  • Everyone had fun.
  • Cheering the opposing team in a fun and respectful manner.
  • Assisting the opposing team with the game and/or its rules.
  • Creating a great atmosphere and experience for everyone.
  • Default Win
  • Default Loss



  • This is considered the ‘average’ spirit score.
  • Team was mostly friendly.
  • The game ran smoothly.
  • No behaviour incidents.
  • Most of you had fun.
  • Cheering the opposing team in a fun and respectful manner.
  • Creating a good atmosphere and experience for everyone.


Below Average

  • The team was somewhat friendly. 
  • The game had a couple of minor issues that were resolved quickly. 
  • Some of you had fun.
  • Minor behaviour incidents occurred
  • The other team was trash talking you occasionally. 



  • One or more players displayed poor sportsmanship.
  • One or more players were overly competitive.
  • Opposing team complained and/or did not enjoy themselves due to this team.
  • Milking the clock.
  • Running up the score.
  • One (or two) players received a Class A behaviour offense.
  • Forfeit Loss


Very Poor

  • Most of the team displayed poor sportsmanship.
  • The team captain did not make the effort or is unable to get the team under control.
  • The teams’ manner of play is aggressive and dangerous to the opponents and their own teammates.
  • Show no, or very little, respect for staff.   
  • One (or more) players received a Class B (or higher) behaviour offense.
  • Default Loss


Game Discrepancies

Any game discrepancies and inquiries must be documented on the game sheet. Typical discrepancies may include:

  1. A misinterpretation of playing rules and regulations,
  2. The question of player eligibility,
  3. Incorrect game score entered

Please email intramurals@ualberta.ca or your sport specific Recreation Facilitator to report any game discrepancies.

Incomplete Game

In the event of a incomplete game due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. major injury, facility hazard, emergency evacuation, fire alarm, etc.) the following chronological actions will be taken by Intramural Sports Program Staff:

  1. Restart game immediately upon end of circumstance. A full game may not be completed based on remaining schedule for that night but efforts will be made to restart the game as soon as possible, if possible
  2. Reschedule the game, where possible. Facility schedules may impact the rescheduling process (e.g. it may not be possible)
  3. Call the game where it stopped (e.g. the game score when the game stopped will be declared the final score.
  4. Other options as decided by the Intramural Sports Program Staff.

Please note, incomplete games may occur during regular season, playoff, tournament, and/or special events

Game Day | Spectators

Spectators are both welcomed and encouraged in Intramural Leagues and Special Events. However, spectators are required to behave respectfully at all times. Players and Captains of each team are accountable for the behaviour of their supporters. Teams and their supporters may incur sanctions based on their supporters’ behaviour. 

If needed, Activity Moderators and Activity Monitors may eject spectators from Intramural events. In this case, any refusal to leave will be considered trespassing and will be referred to Protective Services.

  • Spectators are allowed but please ensure they are not impeding or disrupting game play
  • a maximum of 3 spectators allowed during regular season games, and 0 spectators during playoffs are allowed. If spectators are brought to playoff games it will result in a default for that team
Game Day | Weather Delays

In the event of unsafe conditions for participants (e.g. rain, air quality, standing water, lightning), outdoor-based intramural leagues, tournaments, and special events will be cancelled. Intramural staff will endeavour to contact teams at least an hour prior to their scheduled game time. 

Campus & Community Recreation will build in "Make-Up Days" for weather cancellations (and other unforeseen circumstances). Leagues, tournaments, and/or special events will be rescheduled utilizing these make-up days.If make-up days are used up and/or no longer available, Campus & Community Recreation will try to reschedule games using double-headers, or booking alternative venues (where applicable and/or available). In all cases, staff will do their very best to reschedule games during empty game slots in upcoming weeks, though Sundays may be used if no alternative exists. Games that cannot be rescheduled prior to playoffs will be declared no-games (will not count in the standings).

If make-up days are exhausted AND rescheduling options are unavailable, the league, tournament, or special event will be shortened. No refunds are available for shortened seasons. In the event of an outright cancelation of a league, tournament, or special event in its entirety, full refunds will be available.

Any games postponed due to weather that cannot be replayed or rescheduled prior to the end of the regular league schedule will be considered no contests (the game will not count in the standings). If necessary, the standings may be based on winning percentage if an uneven number of games have been played by the teams in that pool.

Inclement Weather

The basic guideline for assessing the situation in the absence of Full Time CCR staff: if there is any question or doubt, reschedule. In case of inclement weather and/or poor field conditions, the following policy should be followed for event cancellations:

Full-time Campus & Community Recreation staff members or Recreation Facilitators may cancel the game prior to starting due to severe weather and/or dangerous playing conditions.

  • Participants will be notified by 4:00 PM on the day of the games if games are cancelled due to weather conditions.
  • If there are make-up (rain-out) days added to the league schedule, all games will be rescheduled on the make-up (rain-out) days.
  • If no make-up days are available, leagues will be shortened however staff will first try to accommodate originally scheduled amount of games through seeking out alternative venues, alternative times, alternative days, or scheduling more than 1 game per week.

Once the contest has begun, the responsibility for cancelling the event rests jointly with the game officials and the CCR Staff present at the venue. All outdoor sports rulebooks include information regarding weather conditions and cancellation procedures to refer to if needed.


If there is lightning in the area, all leagues will use the 30-30 rule to determine continuance of play:

  • If there are fewer than 30 seconds between lightning and thunder, the storm is too close for safety; the game will be postponed.
  • After 30 consecutive minutes without any thunder strikes, the game may resume.


With summer temperatures increasing, please be aware of the possibility of Heat illness and watch for signs of it in yourself and other players. Stay hydrated, take breaks, and be prepared to reduce your level of play; or even abandon your use.

Refer to these tables for more information.

Air Quality

Activities will be canceled, postponed, and/or rescheduled if the when the Air Quality Health Index reaches 7 or greater.

Intramural Sports Program staff in charge of the league will send out a cancellation notice at 4:00 pm on game day.


Activities will be canceled, postponed, and/or rescheduled if the temperature feels like (Humidex) reaches +35 celsius or greater or -22 celsius or lower.

Intramural Sports Program staff in charge of the league will send out a cancellation notice at 4:00 pm on game day.
Game Day | Sign-In

Participants are required to sign-in at each game in order to be eligible to participate. To sign-in, University of Alberta students must present their ONEcard or another piece of valid photo ID. University of Alberta staff, alumni, and community members must present valid photo ID. Any participant failing to do so will be restricted from participating.

A player can join a game in progress at any time (prior to the end of regulation play) as long as they sign-in before taking part in the game. Failure of a player to sign-in on the game sheet prior to playing will result in a default for their team

Game Day | Start Times
Scheduled times listed for your program are the start times for your games. Participants will be given a maximum of a 5-minute grace period; beyond the start time of their scheduled games to avoid defaulting or forfeiting their game (due to either not enough players or not matching gender ratios).
Program | Levels

Some of our leagues carry different levels of competition. To foster more evenly-matched games, divisional leagues will begin with teams self-assessing their team’s overall skill level upon their initial registration. After a certain amount of weeks of play, CCR Staff will re-seed these leagues based on the team’s win-loss record.

  • Re-seeding schedules will be posted at minimum 2 days prior to games.
  • Re-seeding schedules may result in playing the same opponent more than once.

Leagues (except Ice Hockey)

The objective between ADV and REC leagues is to allow players / teams to choose where they might fit best to create fun, evenly-matched games wherever possible:

Advanced (adv)

  • Know the rules / positions of the sport
  • Have played before (high school, club, league)
  • Have generally good base abilities specific to the sport

Recreational (rec)

  • Know the general concept of the sport, but not all the ins and outs
  • Newer to playing


Ice Hockey

  • Division 1 - AdvancedPlayed the sport at a high level. Teams typically have players with past junior and/or professional experience.
  • Division 2 - IntermediatePlay the sport regularly and have a solid understanding of all the rules. Teams typically have players that play set positions and carry out organized plays / formations.
  • Division 3/4 - BeginnerPlayed the sport a handful of times and know most of the rules, but not all of them. Teams might have one or two people that will play a set position while the other players may be newer to the game.
Program | Types & Ratios

The University of Alberta Intramural Sports Programs offers various program types in order to foster inclusion of gender diversity in our activities.

League Type



This category welcomes individuals of all genders to participate.


This category welcomes individuals of all genders to participate within gender ratios. Individuals shall be permitted to participate in any league type that is in accordance with that person's asserted gender identity.


This category welcomes individuals who identify as women (trans inclusive)

Mixed Ratios

Our Mixed programs have gender ratios in order to encourage participation for all. During game play, a larger ratio and smaller ratio must be present on the court at all times (some ratio scenarios may be exempt). 

  • The Maximum ratio number is for those who identify as the same gender (e.g. 3 men in Indoor Fusel). 
  • The Minimum ratio number  is for all other gender identities. (e.g. 1 woman in Indoor Fusel).
  • The Maximum ratio number and Minimum ratio number may have a variety of scenarios based on each team (e.g. Larger Ratio: 3 non-binary, Smaller Ratio: 1 man in Indoor Fusel).
  • Teams in mixed leagues playing free agent teams are allowed to not follow the gender ratio for that game (though it is still encouraged).

Mixed League


Ratio Number


Ratio Number










Fusel, Indoor




Hockey, Ball




InnerTube Water Polo




Red Eye



Special Event

Softball, Slo Pitch




Soccer, Outdoor








Ultimate, Indoor




Ultimate, Outdoor




Volleyball, Indoor




Volleyball, Outdoor 2’s




Volleyball, Outdoor 4’s





Inability to adhere to the ratio rules will result in a default for that game


In order to successfully register, you must complete the following steps in chronological order:

  1. Pay your Registration Fee -
    • if you are registering as a Team, one person is responsible for paying their team's fee. That person may collect payment from their teammates as they see fit.
    • If you are registering as a Free Agent, you are paying for yourself. A team will be created by Intramural Sports Staff (based on registrations) on your behalf.
    • You may pay your fees on this website (recommended).
    • You may also pay in-person by visiting our North or South campus Customer Service desks.
    • If you are having issues with your registration account, please call 780-492-2555.
  2. Wait for an Email -
    • Intramural Sports Program Staff will email you your Team Roster Sheet link.
    • Please allow 5 business days for your confirmation.
    • Confirmations will be sent to the email you have provided with your registration fee account.
  3. Complete your Team Roster Sheet -
    • The team's leadership must complete the Team Roster Sheet.
    • The Team Roster Sheet may have up to a maximum of 25 participants per team.
    • The Team Roster Sheet will be locked 1 day before each team's first game. All subsequent participants added to a roster should arrive 5 minutes early to the game they are attending to be added by staff on-site.
    • All participants must be added to the Roster Sheet prior to their participation
  4. Complete your Waiver -
    • Intramural Sports Staff will email all Team Roster Sheet participants a waiver link
    • All participants must complete a waiver prior to participation. No exceptions.
    • All waivers must be completed through the Waiver link provided. No paper waivers will be accepted.
  5. Complete your Quiz -
    • Embedded within the Team Roster Sheet will be a quiz link.
    • A minimum of 2 team representatives (usually the team leadership) from each team must successfully complete the quiz.
    • Representatives must receive a score of 80% (or higher).
    • Representatives may take the quiz as many times as required to achieve a passing grade.
    • 1 quiz completion = 1 point in your team standings and 2 quiz completions = 2 points in your team standings.
Registration | Fees

Most of our program fees include a team and a free agent-based registration type (unless otherwise noted). 

  • For Team-based registrations, we ask for a payment for the entire team for the respective league or special event. The captain (and/or designated player) of the team must make the full payment for the team to confirm their spot in our program.
  • For Free Agent-based registration, an individual will pay for themselves. Intramural Sports Program staff will combine free agents together when enough of these registrations have been submitted to create a team on their behalf

The program fees are divided into student fees and non student fees. The student fees are discounted compared to the non student fees. Being registered as a student team requires the majority of your team (51% +) to be currently enrolled at the University of Alberta.

Intramural Sports Programs registration fees include:

  • Facility league access (gymnasium, change rooms),
  • Regular Season and playoff* games,
  • Equipment usage,
  • Staffing,
  • Up-to-date league standings and schedules,
  • *t-shirts for league champs, and/or spirit winners.*

* Eligibility requirements must be met.

For our special events and tournaments, the registration fees may also include: 

  • Food and/or beverages
  • External activity bookings
  • Distinctive event prizes
Registration | Refunds

Intramural Sports programs provide an environment where teams and players are dependent on one another for an enjoyable sport experience. If a team withdraws after registration has closed (and once the schedule has been created and published), this negatively impacts other teams whose playing schedules need to be recreated.

  • Any registrant that withdraws prior to a program’s registration deadline day (by 11:59 pm MST) will be issued a full (100%) refund. If a registrant wishes to withdraw after registration for their program’s registration deadline, no (0%) refund will be issued.
  • A full (100%) refund of programs or services fees will be issued for Intramural Sports Program cancellation. Registrants will be informed of cancellations as soon as possible. Cancellations may occur due to low enrollment, limited staff availability, or facility closures 
  • If the original payment was made by credit card or debit card, the refund will be issued to the same card type used for the original payment. If the original payment was by cash or cheque, the refund will be issued by cheque. This will be mailed to you 3-6 weeks from the time the refund is requested.

No (0%) refunds will be issued for any of the following:

  • Game Forfeits
  • Game Defaults
  • Participant injury
  • Incorrect gender ratios
  • Bye Week - scrimmage / practice times will be scheduled during team BYE weeks
  • Participant / team / league Code of Conduct sanctioning (e.g. suspension, cessation, etc.)
Registration | Waiver

All participants must have a completed waiver prior to participation.

Registration | Team Names

The University of Alberta Intramural Sports Programs are committed to supporting the wellness, growth, and enjoyment of all its members. To this end, we work to provide a safe and welcoming environment, free from harassment, discrimination, and deliberately offensive behaviour. This environment extends to the names and logos used for Intramural teams, where we apply the high standard we do for all behaviour within our programs.

In support of this standard, team names and logos within the Intramural program are required to meet the following expectations:

  • Names and/or logos that support or endorse any form of discrimination or abuse will not be accepted;
  • Names and/or logos that use profanity, racial slurs, and/or sexual references;
  • Names and/or logos that make light of serious global issues will not be accepted;
  • Names and/or logos that discriminate against any marginalized group will not be accepted;

If a play-on-word is used as a team name and it does not violate any of the above criteria then it must also relate to the sport in which the team is playing.

CCR reserves the right to refuse an inappropriate team name. In such a case, the team will be named after the first name of the team captain until an updated team name is provided.

Registration | Types

Team or Individual registration will be displayed as part of your registration process on our registration / payment website descriptions for each program offering.

Team Registration

Most of our Intramural Sports Programs require one person to register on behalf of their team by paying one total fee. It is up to the team to sort out the per participant fees owing back to the person who paid the one total fee.

Free Agent Registration

Individuals who do not have enough players to compose a Team registration are encouraged to express interest in joining our leagues and special events. Individual registrations for each applicable league or special event may add their interest as joining a pre-existing team and/or a whole team of individuals (known as a "Free Agent Team") by completing a google form submission. Free Agents teams are supported and organized by our Intramural Sports staff. Please note that your expression of interest submission does not guarantee you a spot. A staff person will email you (to the email you submit on your submission form) if a spot is available. At that time, payment and registration steps will proceed to get your registered in one of our activities.

Interest Form