Employment Statistics

Salary Information and Employment Rates

For a complete copy of the Bachelor of Commerce survey, please send your request, including your current mailing address, to bizcareers@ualberta.ca.

BCom (within 3 mo. of graduation)

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Employment Rate (active job seekers)


92% 82% 78%


Co-op Employment Rate


100% 94% 89%


Average Salary


$62,495 $53,746 $52,576


Average Salary (Co-op)


$67,857 $55,928 $51,563


Average Salary (Co-op, except CPA)


$71,441 $57,774 $58,18 $60,017
 *Due to statistically insignificant data, the following majors were not included in the 2023 salary report:
● East Asian Business Studies
● Human Resource Management
● Business Technology Management/Management Information Systems
● Marketing
● Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment

As noted, the 2023 Survey is based on a small sample size, so you may want to consult other information sources such as ALIS when researching salary information.

MBA Employment Statistics

High-level employment statistics, and a link to the most recent MBA Employment Report, are available on the Full-Time Program Statistics and Part-Time Program Statistics pages. For more information please contact the MBA Program Office directly at mba@ualberta.ca.


Employer Participation Statistics

From September 2020 to September 2021 Careers and Work Integrated Learning posted a total of 1,450 job postings for over 500 employers.

Note that the volume of job postings does not necessarily reflect the overall activity associated with recruitment by employers on campus. Many companies are far more active on their own with recruitment activities and do not specifically post their jobs on campus sites, or they provide one job posting which directs candidates to their website where a large volume of jobs exist. Our data does not necessarily reflect all the jobs available to our students, as additional jobs may be listed on company websites exclusively.