Health & Wellness

You are worthy of rest, support, connection, and wellness. Find in-person and virtual resources below covering: Mental Health & CommunitySelf-Care ResourcesAcademic SupportsFinancial Resources, and Additional Supports & Related Links.

Mental Health & Community

Whether you–or someone you know–are struggling, need a little extra support, or just want to meet people and build community, resources are available.


This free service provides three months of daily text messages written by mental health professionals.

Text HOPEAB to 393939 to subscribe.


WellTrack is a free online self-help program for all University of Alberta students who want to learn more about coping with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Sip Chat Connect


A conversation can make all the difference. Students can now book a virtual tea time through Google Hangouts to speak with a trained peer.

The Landing

The Landing

Student space for gender and sexual diversity offering peer mentorship, resources, and referrals for students working through issues around gender and sexual identity related stressors.

Learn skills to support your peers & build community

Self-care resources

Practicing self-care does not need to be a reward for having accomplished something in your personal or academic life. During times of heightened uncertainty and stress, engaging in regular self-care can actually help to reduce anxiety and brighten your mood. Try some of these self-care activities throughout the next week and take note of what makes you feel better. Try to implement the activities that brighten your mood into your daily routine.

Mental Self-Care

This can look like:
  • Finding time each day to read a few chapters of a new book
  • Using Pinterest to find a DIY activity you can do with items around the house
  • Writing in a journal about how you are feeling and what you are grateful for
  • Calling a different friend or family member to stay in touch while spending time alone
  • Challenging a friend to a free online game (found through your phone app store) such as Scattergories, Words With Friends, or Houseparty
Unwind Your Mind
Unwind Your Mind: Take a Break and Find Balance

Find resources to help students and staff prioritize their self-care, including healthy eating, sleep hygiene, de-stress activities, ideas to encourage others and more.

Physical Self-Care

This can look like:
  • Making a playlist of your favourite songs and go for a long walk in Edmonton's beautiful river valley
  • Taking a hot shower or apply a face mask and take a long bath
  • Decluttering and reorganizing different spaces in your home
  • Trying a home workout or online yoga class
  • Practicing a new skill such as doing 10 push ups, handstands or learning a musical instrument
Stay Active Stay Well
Campus and Community Recreation: Online Programming

Stay connected to the CCR community through virtual classes and support networks.

Emotional Self-Care 

This can look like:
  • Meditating for a few minutes each morning to start your day with a calm state of mind
  • Lighting your favourite candles to make your home smell nice
  • Cook your favourite healthy meal, followed by your favourite unhealthy dessert (If you want to cook alongside Paris Hilton, she is now hosting cooking classes on YouTube)
  • Find ways to laugh each day, try listening to a comedy podcast
  • Spending your evenings watching Netflix? Watch with friends or family through the Teleparty app
  • Watching livestreams of cute puppies or relaxing aquarium scenes
Grad School Confidential
Grad School Confidential Podcast

Grad School Confidential is a podcast dedicated to breaking the silence over academic and personal challenges and offering tips and resources to help you surmount them.

Need help navigating available services?


Academic Accommodations

The office of the Dean of Students coordinates accommodations to remove structural barriers faced by prospective and current students with documented disabilities affecting mobility, vision, hearing, learning, and physical or mental health with an aim to facilitate equivalent learning opportunities.

Learn More

Remote Learning Supports


For additional information on available financial resources, reach out to the Student Service Centre.

Financial Literacy Resources

Managing your financial and academic success can be difficult, but you don't have to conquer it alone. We have information and resources to help support you financially throughout your degree.

Bursaries & Emergency Funding

The Office of the Registrar offers various forms of financial support designed to assist students experiencing financial shortfall for the current school year's academic and basic living costs or a temporary unexpected financial emergency during the academic year.

Additional Supports & Related Links

Need a mask?

Disposable masks will be available for students in the General Office during regular business hours:

General Office, 3-23 Business Building
8:30am - 4:30pm Monday through Friday (closed for lunch daily from noon to 1pm).