Spring/Summer 2024 Courses

Spring term: May 6- Jun 12

  • BIOL 201 - Eukaryotic Cellular Biology 
  • GENET 270 - Foundations of Molecular Genetics

Summer term: Jul 8 - Aug 14

  • BIOL 395 - Field Course in Freshwater Invertebrate Diversity 
Here are more details and the instructor's email addresses if you want more information about prerequisites, lecture format, assessment, etc. 


BIOL 201 - Eukaryotic Cellular Biology - Spring term 

If BIOL 107 is about what cells are, the goal of this course is to teach students how cells work and how they are studied. We will be covering: 

  • Techniques such as microscopy and western blotting 
  • How cells move, communicate, and reproduce 
  • Comprehensive topics include neurons, apoptosis, cancer cells, and stem cells.

The course will be taught with pre-recorded standard lectures, in-person mini-lectures twice a week (typically Mondays and Thursdays), take-home group assignments, and in-person midterm and final exams. 

Instructor: Dr. Mike Harrington mjh@ualberta.ca 

GENET 270 - Foundations of Molecular Genetics - Spring term

This course will introduce you to basic concepts about the organization, plasticity and regulation of genetic material from bacteria and bacteriophages. The seminars are integrated to provide an overview of microbial genetics by examining historical and current genetic techniques and experiments in research papers. We will be covering:

  • Principles and key elements of molecular genetics
  • Principles of the genetics central dogma and demonstrate functional competency in gene expression
  • The role of horizontal gene transfer in the movement of genes between bacterial cells
  • Demonstrate competency in processes relating to bacterial genetics that inform and improve our understanding of the genetics of all living organisms on our planet

Instructor: Dr. Torah Kachur tkachur@ualberta.ca 

BIOL 395 - Field Course in Freshwater Invertebrate Diversity - Summer term 

This course provides an overview of the diversity of invertebrates found in standing and running fresh water. The lecture material pertains mainly to the ecological features of the various freshwater groups. Through field trips, lectures, and lab work, course participants will:

  • learn how to collect, curate, and identify Albertan freshwater invertebrates 
  • understand the biology and ecology of freshwater invertebrates in general
  • develop an appreciation of the diversity and biotic characteristics of aquatic ecosystems in Alberta

 Fieldwork will include the use of dip-nets to collect invertebrates from ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers. Assessment items will include short quizzes on lecture material, a lab exam focused on identification skills, the student's collection of identified invertebrates, and a written review of the biology of a particular group of freshwater invertebrates. 

  • Prerequisite: ENT 220 or ENT 222 or ZOOL 250, and permission of instructor. Credit may not be obtained for both ZOOL 351 and this offering of BIOL 395.
  • Additional course fees (to cover travel, food and lodging at Barrier Lake Field Station): ~$325
  • Instructors: Dr. Heather Proctor (hproctor@ualberta.ca) and Dr. Victor Shegelski (shegelsk@ualberta.ca)
  • Please contact instructors for permission to register, and provide them with an unofficial transcript