Community Updates: AASUA
Updates are provided regularly via these pages and through the weekly employee digests when bargaining is underway. Information on the bargaining process and upcoming meetings is also available on this site.
U of A and AASUA bargaining update
The university and AASUA met on Feb. 27 in the last scheduled meeting before the parties engage in informal mediation in late March.
Bargaining Community Update: AASUA
The university and AASUA have agreed to informal mediation. The bargaining teams have selected a third-party mediator and meeting dates of March 25, 26 and 27. The university is encouraged by this positive step to successfully reach a renewed collective agreement through negotiations.
University and AASUA meeting this week
The university and AASUA are scheduled to meet this week on Feb. 27 to continue negotiations on a renewed collective agreement. The parties last met on Feb. 6 when the university presented AASUA with a revised monetary proposal. The next meetings are scheduled for March.
U of A and AASUA file essential services agreement
An update on the essential services agreement with AASUA and what it means for the university community.
University and AASUA bargaining teams negotiating monetary items
An update to the community on the status of negotiations and the essential services agreement.
U of A and AASUA begin negotiations on monetary items
As bargaining progresses to monetary items, the university seeks to clarify and correct some information disseminated by AASUA.
Bargaining Community Update: AASUA
Negotiations between the university and AASUA on a renewed collective agreement continued last week with AASUA presenting on its monetary proposal to the university. The parties are scheduled to meet this Thursday, Jan. 30.
University of Alberta and AASUA meeting this week
The university and AASUA are scheduled to meet next on Jan. 23 to continue negotiations on a renewed collective agreement. The parties last met on Jan. 9.
University of Alberta January 2025 Bargaining Update
The current status of bargaining discussions and related financial FAQs.
University of Alberta and AASUA continue negotiations this week
The university and AASUA will meet on Jan. 9 as the parties continue negotiations on a renewed collective agreement. The parties last met on Dec. 10, 2024.
University of Alberta and AASUA meeting next week
The U of A and AASUA continue negotiations on a renewed collective agreement this week with a meeting on Dec. 10. Weekly updates will pause for the winter break starting next week. Additional meetings between the parties are scheduled beginning in January, 2025 following the winter break.
University of Alberta and AASUA meeting next week
The university and AASUA will meet on Dec. 10 to continue negotiations on a renewed collective agreement. The parties last met on Nov. 12. Additional meeting dates have been scheduled through February 2025 and are published on the Meeting Schedules page.
The University of Alberta and AASUA have negotiated a tentative Essential Services Agreement (ESA)
The (ESA) describes any work that would be allowed to continue during a legal work stoppage (a strike or lockout).
Additionally, the university and AASUA are developing a "Research At Risk of Irreparable Damage" list to be approved by both parties and included in the ESA. Finalization of the Essential Services Agreement does not mean that a strike or lockout is imminent. Negotiations on a renewed collective agreement continue.
University of Alberta and AASUA agree to additional meeting dates
The university and AASUA have agreed to additional bargaining dates in January and February 2025. The Meeting Schedules page has been updated. The next meeting between the parties is scheduled for Dec. 10.
University of Alberta and AASUA negotiations continue this week
The U of A and AASUA meeting scheduled for Nov. 12 was cancelled by mutual agreement. The next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 10.
University of Alberta and AASUA meeting this week
The U of A and AASUA met this week on Nov. 4. The parties will continue negotiations with the next meeting scheduled for Nov. 12.
University of Alberta and AASUA bargaining update
The university and AASUA are scheduled to meet again on Nov. 4, continuing collective agreement negotiations. The last meeting between the parties was Oct. 8.
University of Alberta and AASUA meeting Nov. 4
Progress continues on a renewed collective agreement between the university and AASUA with the parties scheduled to meet again on Nov. 4.
University of Alberta and AASUA update
Negotiations on a renewed collective agreement continue between the U of A and AASUA. The parties met last week on Oct. 8 and are scheduled to meet again on Nov. 4.
University of Alberta and AASUA bargaining this week
The university and AASUA met again on Oct. 8 to continue negotiations on a renewed collective agreement. The next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 4. Additional meetings have been scheduled for Nov. 12 and Dec.10 and the Meeting Schedules page has been updated.
University of Alberta and AASUA bargaining update
The U of A and AASUA bargaining committees met last week for the first time after a mutually agreed summer hiatus. The parties have resumed discussion of non-monetary items on the renewal collective agreement. The next meeting is scheduled for October 8 with two additional dates scheduled through November. The October 29 meeting has been rescheduled to November 4 and the Meeting Schedules page updated.
University of Alberta and AASUA resume negotiations this week
The U of A and AASUA bargaining committees are meeting this week, resuming negotiations on a renewed collective agreement after a summer hiatus. The next meeting is scheduled for October 8.
University of Alberta and AASUA resume meetings Sept. 24 after summer pause
The U of A and AASUA are resuming collective bargaining following a hiatus over the summer. The parties have agreed to four meeting dates so far this fall starting on Sept. 24. The meeting schedules page has been updated.
As outlined in the June 27, 2024 Summary of Winter and Spring Bargaining update to the community, negotiations are still in the early stages and the parties have met eight times so far. There remain a number of non-monetary proposals to discuss before the parties address monetary proposals.
The university remains committed to a fair, respectful and collaborative collective bargaining process and thanks AASUA for their collegial participation.- When are negotiations finished?
- When does a new agreement come into force?
- What is a strike vote?
- What are the university’s obligations in relation to Tri-Agency funding in the event of a strike or a lockout?
Negotiations this round are still in early stages. Bargaining rounds can and have lasted a year or more. There is no immediate threat of labour disruption or strike. The university and AASUA are currently in active negotiations and there has been no impasse. Both tables are interested in successfully reaching an agreement through negotiations again.
Learn more about the collective bargaining process »
Summary of Winter and Spring Bargaining
A summary of what the bargaining table has accomplished since March, and answers to some community questions.
University of Alberta and AASUA meet this week
The U of A and AASUA bargaining committees last met on June 10. The next session is scheduled for June 26. Following that date the parties have agreed to a hiatus in negotiations for the summer months.
University of Alberta and AASUA meet this week
The U of A and AASUA bargaining committees met on June 10. The parties have agreed to cancel the June 18 session and the Collective Bargaining Meeting Schedules page has been updated. So far there have been seven negotiating sessions since the March 5, 2024 exchange of initial proposals. The next session is scheduled for June 26 with a planned pause in meetings for July and August.
U of A - AASUA Bargaining Update
The university and AASUA met again this week on June 10. The next meeting dates are scheduled for June 18 and June 26.
U of A - AASUA Bargaining Update
The university and AASUA met on June 3 as the bargaining committees continue negotiations on a renewed collective agreement. The next meeting is scheduled for June 10.
University of Alberta and AASUA update
The university and AASUA bargaining committees met last week on May 23 and are scheduled to continue bargaining on June 3.
University of Alberta and AASUA to meet again this week
The U of A and AASUA bargaining committees meet this week on May 23 to continue negotiations on a renewed collective agreement.
University of Alberta and AASUA bargaining update
Negotiations continue on a renewed collective agreement between the university and AASUA. The bargaining committees are scheduled to meet next on May 23.
University and AASUA continue to meet
Negotiations between the university and AASUA continue. The last meeting was held on April 30, with the next meeting scheduled for May 23.
University of Alberta and AASUA negotiations continue this week
The bargaining committees met last on April 11 and negotiations continue this week with a meeting scheduled for April 30.
University of Alberta and AASUA bargaining update
Negotiations between the university and AASUA continue. The bargaining committees are scheduled to meet next on April 30.
University of Alberta and AASUA meeting schedule updates
Negotiations between the university and AASUA continue with the parties meeting last week on April 11. The next meeting, scheduled for April 16, has been rescheduled to April 30. The meeting schedule has been updated at the U of A Bargaining Meeting Schedules page.
Bargaining committees to meet again this week
Negotiations continue on a renewed collective agreement between the University of Alberta and AASUA. The bargaining committees are scheduled to meet again this week on April 11.
U of A and AASUA continue to meet
The University of Alberta and AASUA bargaining committees met on March 28 for the first time since exchanging opening proposals. The bargaining committees are scheduled to meet next on April 11.
U of A and AASUA to meet next on Thursday, March 28
The University of Alberta and AASUA bargaining teams will meet next on Thursday, March 28. This is the first meeting since the parties exchanged initial proposals on March 5.
U of A and AASUA exchange opening proposals
On March 5, the University of Alberta and AASUA met and exchanged initial proposals. Both proposals and opening statements can be accessed through the links below.
As outlined in the university’s opening statement, over the most recent rounds, the parties have worked together to establish a bargaining process that is professional, respectful and collegial. We look forward to a continuation of that constructive approach as we work together toward a renewal of the collective agreement.
Through collective bargaining, the U of A is seeking an agreement that best supports the well-being of academic staff and that ensures the long-term sustainability and growth of the university and our collective research and teaching pursuits. University-proposed amendments to the current agreement support the core mandate of teaching and research. The university’s proposals also: seek to enhance the health, safety and security of employees; streamline, simplify and clarify processes; and, enhance academic and operational efficiencies. The U of A’s proposal is opening the conversation with AASUA towards an expeditious renewal agreement that is fair, equitable and responsible.
- U of A’s opening statement and proposal to AASUA (CCID login required)
- AASUA’s opening statement and proposal to U of A (CCID login required)
Common questions on the negotiations process are answered on the Collective Bargaining Frequently Asked Questions page. New entries cover how university activities and resources, including learning, research and work applications—such as university email accounts—continue unchanged throughout the negotiation process as long as work continues.
U of A and AASUA commence regular meetings on negotiations
The U of A and AASUA bargaining teams held their initial meeting on Feb. 13. The parties are scheduled to meet again on March 5 to exchange initial proposals. Bargaining dates have been scheduled through June.U of A and AASUA to exchange initial proposals Mar. 5
The university and AASUA bargaining teams have agreed to exchange initial proposals on March 5, 2024, and subsequently to meet on March 28 and April 11. The parties are working to schedule additional dates beyond April 11.Negotiations to begin between the University of Alberta and AASUA
The university received a notice to bargain from the Association of Academic Staff of the University of Alberta on January 17, initiating negotiations on a new collective agreement. The university is committed to a fair, respectful and collaborative collective bargaining process that will help to shape the future of the university and its community.
The University of Alberta is pleased to share that Geoff Tierney will act as lead negotiator for the university. Mr. Tierney brings a depth of experience in academic and non-academic labour negotiations, including serving as the U of A’s lead negotiator in previous rounds of negotiations. The university’s bargaining committee negotiates on behalf of the Board of Governors.
The U of A Bargaining Team with AASUA comprises:
- Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell, College Dean and Vice-Provost, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
- Vic Adamowicz, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
- Michelle Strong, Director Faculty Relations
- Brian Pearson, Senior Faculty Relations Officer
- Trina Fisher, Senior Officer, Employee & Labour Relations
The current U of A - AASUA collective agreement is for the period of July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2024. Information on the bargaining process is available on the this website. Updates will be provided regularly via these pages and through employee digest emails when bargaining is underway and meeting dates have been scheduled.