University and AASUA bargaining teams negotiating monetary items
11 February 2025
Key points:
- University and AASUA bargaining teams are currently negotiating monetary items.
- Additional meeting dates have been scheduled.
- The parties have finalized an essential services agreement (ESA).
- The Bargaining FAQs page has been updated.
At the meeting on Feb. 6, university and AASUA bargaining teams continued to negotiate monetary items, including compensation.
Compensation offers by the university are determined primarily by a few key considerations:
- Required compliance with provincial directives on compensation and legislation for post-secondary bargaining.
- The financial realities of the university over the coming years -- the university cannot spend funds it does not have.
- The long-term success and interests of the university and our entire internal and external community - including students, staff, faculty.
- Comparable sectoral settlements.
This past week the university bargaining team also observed:
- There is economic uncertainty in the current trade environment creating further inflationary pressures and potential revenue constraints.
- The one year, 23% AASUA monetary proposal from March 5, 2024 (including the 17% across-the-board wage increase and other monetary proposals) would mean a $138 million, 12.5% increase to operating expenses in the first year alone.
- While faculty salaries have fallen in the comparative rankings, the university continues to maintain a top four ranking in Canada.
- Comparable sectoral settlements are more closely aligned with the university’s proposal.
Many non-monetary proposals have been tentatively agreed to while others remain in discussion along with compensation. The university is committed to bargaining in good faith and respecting ongoing conversations at the bargaining table that have not yet concluded. The university is hopeful that an agreement can be reached through negotiation as it always has.
Additional meeting dates scheduled
The university and AASUA have agreed to additional meeting dates in March. The Meeting Schedules page has been updated.
Questions about research as parties finalize essential services agreement (ESA)
While the primary principle in a work stoppage scenario (strike or lockout) is that all work stops, the university and AASUA acknowledge a joint interest in protecting the most vulnerable research during a work stoppage. Both parties agreed to the criteria and process to develop a Research at Risk of Irreparable Damage list and include it in an essential services agreement (ESA).
The finalization of the ESA and the Research at Risk of Irreparable Damage list have prompted questions from the community. The university’s Bargaining FAQs page has new and updated information including:
- How are compensation offers determined by the university?
- What is Research at Risk of Irreparable Damage?
- How was it decided what work would be included in the Research at Risk of Irreparable Damage list?
- What happens to my work or research if another union is on strike/locked out?
- What happens to pay, benefits and employment entitlements for striking or locked-out employees?
Updates to the community continue to be provided by the university on Tuesdays through this website and the Employee Digest.