Xi Jin: Breakdown, Mistake, Discontinuity



Xi Jin: Breakdown, Mistake, Discontinuity

June 8 - July 9, 2021
FAB Gallery

Xi Jin’s print-based, multi-media practice utilizes breakdown as a method, mistakes as experience, and degrades the complexity and continuity of language to uncover its strange black shapes, its poetry, its embeddedness in the everyday and its strangeness as well.

No matter what imagery she uses in her work, it explores how we jump out of the manipulation of language we live in, sometimes just its form, sometimes its meaning. It is as linguist Noam Chomsky proposes, that “some random mutation took place, maybe after some strange cosmic ray shower, and it reorganized the brain, implanting a language organ in an otherwise primate brain.” She thinks she may be involved in a strange space, imitating these evolutionary processes, and resetting what and how language represents.

The exhibition is made up of three print-based installations that the artist has been working on over the last two years.. This exhibition is the final visual presentation for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking.

2020-21 Ticket Information

FAB Gallery, 1-1 Fine Arts Building

Free admission.

FAB Gallery will be open for viewing appointments the following dates:

Wednesday June 30: Noon-7 PM
Thursday July 1: Closed
Friday July 2: Noon-7 PM
Saturday July 3: Noon-4 PM
Wednesday July 7: Noon-7 PM
Thursday July 8: Noon-7 PM
Friday July 9: Noon-7 PM

Please contact Kalyna at FAB Gallery to book your appointment (gallery@ualberta.ca).

Note that the entrances to the Fine Art Building are locked at all times. The main entrance is located across from the Transit Centre and next to HUB Mall. Please call the gallery upon arrival at 780-492-2081 and someone will let you into the building.

FAB Gallery will be closed on July 1st in respect for the collective grieving occuring in Indigenous Communities across Canada in light of the discovery of thousands of unmarked graves at former Residential Schools. We believe it is important to allow time for education, reflection, and solidarity on this day.

Masks and physical distancing will continue to be required in FAB Gallery as Alberta launches into Stage 3 of the provincial reopening plan on July 2nd. Thank you for your understanding.

Art & Design News