Jingyu Zhang: Big Thousand World

Jingyu Zhang: Big Thousand World
February 2 - 12, 2021
FAB Gallery
Admission is free and by appointment only. Please see Ticket Information for details.
Jingyu Zhang's work explores themes of consumption and materialism in human life by depicting and exaggerating the comedic aspects of mundane activities.
Zhang offers a dark reflection of being human in a shared reality by encountering imaginary things we are afraid of, and exploring them instead of running from them.
"Through my studio practice I’ve accepted fear and rebuilt reality, to explore hidden meanings throughout life without spoiling the beauty of unknowing. If experiencing my artwork makes the audience recalibrate their views of reality and life, my goal is achieved."
~Jingyu Zhang
This is the final visual presentation for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Painting.
2020-21 Ticket Information
FAB Gallery, 1-1 Fine Arts Building
Free admission.
PLEASE NOTE: FAB Gallery visits are by appointment only, Tuesday - Friday from 12 - 5 p.m. Please contact Jingyu Zhang at 780-492-2081 or jingyu@ualberta.ca to schedule your visit. Masks are required by all visitors. No groups larger than 10-15 people until further notice.
We are carefully monitoring the COVID-19 situation, and are working in compliance with the recommendations of Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health. The health and safety of our community is our top priority. Thank you for your patience and support.