Gabriel Yanicki, Anthropology PhD student working under the supervision of Dr. Jack Ives, has received a CGS - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement to further his SSHRC-funded doctoral research program.
Here is a description of the award as found on the SSHRC website:
This CGS-MSFSS supports high-calibre Canadian graduate students in building global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional research experiences abroad. By accessing international scientific research and training, CGS-MSFSS recipients will contribute to strengthening the potential for collaboration between Canadian universities and affiliated research institutions and universities, or other research institutions outside of Canada.
A total of 250 awards are available each year (45 CIHR; 80 NSERC; 125 SSHRC). Universities are allocated a predetermined number of supplements by each granting agency.
Here is the SSHRC web address for more information on this award.
Congratulations Gabriel!