Join the Edmonton Social Planning Council in our series of engaging lunch-time talks about social issues and organizations that have an impact on our community.
Exploring the Early Cultural and Economic Adaptation Process of Newcomers in
Michener Park, Edmonton, Alberta
Speaker: HM Ashraf Ali, ESPC Social Justice Intern
The ESPC's Social Justice Intern HM Ashraf Ali will discuss findings from his research project about the social, cultural and economic constraints faced by immigrants and international students in Edmonton's Michener Park area.
HM Ashraf Ali is a current PhD student at the University of Alberta, Dept. of Anthropology.
Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
12-1 pm
Stanley Milner Library, Main Floor (back-left corner of the room)
(downtown library @ Churchill Square)Bring your lunch. Feed your mind.
For more information, visit our website or contact
our Resource Coordinator Stephen MacDonald
by phone at 780.423.2031x354, or by email at