I-House Volunteers

This year, the University of Alberta International House celebrates the 10th anniversary of when it opened up to residents from Canada and the world. Five energetic volunteers help keep their ties to the unique experience they had as students by working with the Office of Alumni Relations to organize events connecting U of A grads who lived at I-House. As I-House Campus Chapter gets ready for the big celebrations, we were able to catch up with three of its members: Leah Sallis, '10 BA, '13 MEd; Tatiana Duque, '14 MFA, and Yared Mehzenta, '12 MA.

Why do you volunteer for the University of Alberta?

We want to volunteer for the U of A because our time at the university was incredibly memorable and our university student careers helped shape us into the people we are today. Volunteering allows us to really give back and provides us with opportunities to recreate positive past university experiences.

Why do you think it's important for grads to volunteer their time?

We think that sometimes, after people finish university, they get quite wrapped up in their own lives and tend to forget about the university community they left behind. Alumni associations reinforce to grads that the community, that support system, still thrives and is still accessible to them. This sense of belonging to a community can benefit a person facing the stress of today's busy lifestyles. Through volunteering, this idea will become more obvious to grads.

What do you personally want to achieve by volunteering?

We want to create new friendships and build connections with International House residents from the past 10 years. We want to improve our knowledge of how the University of Alberta functions and discover our place among the many alumni campus chapters.

What does volunteering mean to you?

Volunteering means to give back and support an organization that once played a significant role in one's life. It also allows a person to be part of something important without having a financial obligation to that organization. It can also be a chance to have fun, meet new people and develop new skills.

International House Volunteers Tatiana Duque, '14 MFA; Leah Sallis, '10 BA, MEd '13; Yared Mehzenta, '12 MA

I-House volunteers from left to right: Tatiana Duque, '14 MFA; Leah Sallis, '10 BA, MEd '13; Yared Mehzenta, '12 MA