Soil Health: Policy, Science, and Law in Action

Area of Study: Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health

Key Links

How Dirt Could Help Save the Planet | Scientific American





Principal Investigators

Eran Kaplinsky, Alberta Land Institute, Research Director
David Poulton, M.A., LL.M, Director, Alberta Land Institute


Sukhwinder Singh, Research Coordinator, Project Lead


Interest in Canada's soil health and its strong links to climate change adaptation and resilience has dramatically increased over the past several years. Despite this rising interest, soil health continues to be significantly undervalued and under-protected by society.

Research and knowledge produced through this work sought to improve decision-making among key stakeholders and policymakers, as well as improve farming practices in the soil health field. Four activities were developed to carry out these goals:

  1. Legal and policy review with an Alberta focus
  2. Community Resource Guide focused on urban soil health to improve soil literacy among landowners, homeowners and public audiences
  3. Workshop/information sharing to discuss soil health efforts in Alberta
  4. Call for Proposals to protect and improve soil health quality

This project is made possible in part through a grant from the Alberta Real Estate Foundation. (The Alberta Real Estate Foundation invests in real estate policy, research, practices, and education that strengthen Alberta’s communities. The Foundation’s revenues come from the interest earned on public money deposited in real estate brokers’ pooled trust accounts. Learn more at

Documents and Publications

Published by Dr. Eran Kaplinsky (Lead Researcher) for Alberta Land Institute:
Assessing Property Rights and Land Use in Alberta

Published by David Poulton (Lead Researcher) for Alberta Land Institute:
In-lieu Payments and Fees as a Mechanism of Environmental Compensation

The Application of Property Rights in Ecosystem Service Markets