Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This page answers some of the most frequently asked questions from current and incoming students. 

As of Fall 2021, the first point of contact for all students in the Faculty of Education is now Education Student Services (ESS). Students and faculty may contact ESS via 

Still have questions? Contact your Program Advisor or Education Student Services  

I registered last year, do I need to register again?
Regulations vary according to the program you're in. Information on this is outlined on either the University of Alberta Calendar or the Program Master or Doctoral webpages.
For a thesis-based program, do I have to register for Spring/Summer terms if I am not planning to register in courses but continue with my research?
Yes, all thesis-based students are required to register in every term in order to keep their program active. Please note Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) will register all thesis-based students in THES for the Spring/Summer terms. Students do not need to do this.
How do I learn who is my Program Advisor (MEd) or Doctoral Supervisor (PhD/EdD)?
This information is sent to all students in the program letter sent after having been formally admitted.
Is it possible to change supervisors?
Yes, there are circumstances when a change may be helpful to a student. If you think that a change may be desirable, contact the Graduate Coordinator.
What are the rules governing my relationship with the University of Alberta?

The Academic Calendar for the year in which you first registered in your current program is the final authority for matters pertaining to students. In addition, students should refer to the Code of Student Behaviour. This code covers matters relating to individual student or group behaviour that could result in serious fines, expulsion or suspension. It is strongly recommended that all students read this section of the calendar.

How do I register for an individual study course?

Student wishing to do an individual study course first need to talk to their program advisor/supervisor about this. The individual study course outline that is to be completed and signed by the student, program advisor/supervisor and instructor of the course is available on the Administrative website under Student Resources. This form, once signed by all, is to be submitted to Education Student Services by the deadline on the form.

Please Note: this course is not intended to be a substitute for an already existing permanent course offering.

What are the expectations of the Capping Exercise?
The capping exercise (EDPS 900) is a ★3 culminating course for students in the course-based master's program. In this course students are expected to demonstrate skills of inquiry, reflection and critique and reflect on learning from their graduate experience. They will conduct a research inquiry that may entail analysis of a work-based problem, a critical literature review, a scholarly paper, development of professional or organizational resources, or evaluation of a program and/or policy. The scope and magnitude of the capping exercise will be the same as expected in a ★3 graduate-level course. When the product is a written document it should be approximately 5000 words in length. Further details can be obtained from Grad Student Resources and/or Education Student Services.
Where can I locate my grades at the end of a course/term?
You can find your grades through Bear Tracks.
If I am not happy with a grade I receive in a course, what should I do?

First discuss your concern with the course instructor. If this does not lead to resolution, then contact the Graduate Coordinator who will suggest further avenues for you to consider.

Who should I notify if I have a change of address?

Change your address through Bear Tracks and inform Education Student Services.

Where can I find housing?

Various kinds of accommodation are available for both single and married students. See Housing and Transportation for more information.

University of Alberta International also has resources to assist international students in finding housing

I am an international student. Do I need health insurance?
Yes, you cannot get medical treatment without it. See GSA Health and Dental Plan for more information.
What do I do concerning health insurance if I'm from another province within Canada?
Alberta has a reciprocal arrangement with Canadian provinces, except Quebec, whereby patients simply present their home-province healthcare card prior to service. Quebec residents can try presenting their healthcare card and, if it is not accepted, they will need to pay the doctor or facility prior to service and seek reimbursement from the Quebec plan directly. For further information contact the Alberta Ministry of Health.