Coupons for Tuition Credit

As part of the Supporting Mentor Teachers Project, we are pleased to provide U of A Mentor Teachers and School Coordinators with a coupon for tuition credit which can be applied to most graduate-level courses in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta.

One coupon for mentoring:

  • One AFX student
  • Two IFX students
  • Two EDFX 490 students.

One coupon for school coordinators for each year in that role (starting in the 2023-24 school year).

The coupon will cover the equivalent of one credit of tuition. Graduate-level courses are generally 3 credits. As an example, if tuition for a 3-credit course is $1500, the coupon is worth $500.


  • Only University of Alberta mentor teachers qualify for coupons.
  • Only graduate-level courses in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta qualify for the waiver. Note: THES courses are not eligible.
  • Coupons are non-transferable and have no cash value.
  • Only one coupon can be used per course.
  • Coupons are valid for two years from the term in which they are earned (example: mentorship takes place in Fall 2023; coupon valid until Fall 2025).
  • Only mentor teacher assignments from Fall 2022 and onward are eligible.


Deadlines for claiming tuition waivers:

  • Summer Term, 2024 - July 2, 2024
  • Fall Term, 2024 - September 23, 2024
  • Winter Term, 2025 - January 24, 2025

Additional deadlines TBD. Note: the fee payment deadline is not the same as the deadline for claiming the waiver, as we need time to process the coupon requests. Tuition reductions will be applied prior to the fee payment deadline for the term to which you apply the coupon.

Contact us at for details.