Graduate-Level Electives

All of our courses combine theory and practice. Most are offered online with both synchronous (on Zoom) and asynchronous components, unless 'On-Campus' is indicated beside the course title. Any synchronous sessions are in Mountain Time (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Dates and times are determined by the course instructor. Sessions are not recorded; attendance is required.

These are graduate-level, credit courses, requiring between five and ten hours of coursework per week in the fall and winter terms (13 weeks). Courses offered in the spring and summer terms are condensed (six and three weeks respectively), so the amount of time spent on coursework is increased. This includes time spent on readings, assignments, presentations (group and individual), and writing papers.

These courses can be taken as a Non-Degree Graduate Student or through Open Studies, or as an elective in a graduate program (in consultation with your program advisor). See this page for enrolment options. Please read the course descriptions carefully to be sure the elective is approved for your program. 


  • These courses are offered at an increased rate of assessment. Tuition is listed with each course below, or you can check your statement on Bear Tracks. The Faculty of Education provides a bursary for each course to maintain the cost to students at $1498 for 2024-25 (subject to change). The amount of the bursary varies by program; not applicable to doctoral or international students.
  • Preference is given to students in the various Professional Learning programs; students in other graduate programs or Open Studies will be enrolled if space is available.

Questions? Contact the graduate administrator at the email address listed with each course. 

Spring 2025 Electives

Spring term runs from May 5 to June 11, 2025

EDU 520 Foundations of School Leadership ★3

Instructor: Maureen Yates

Explore the foundational dimensions of school leadership including instructional leadership, fostering effective relationships, supporting the application of foundational knowledge about Indigenous Peoples, visionary leadership, leading learning communities, modelling continuous professional learning, developing leadership capacity, understanding the social context influencing schooling, and managing school operations and resources.

Synchronous Zoom sessions are included; attendance is required.

Note: This course is partial fulfillment of the academic requirements for leadership certification through Alberta's Leadership Quality Standard.

Domestic tuition: $1498 plus non-instructional fees
International tuition: $2146.44 plus non-instructional fees

This is a core course in the Graduate Certificate in School Leadership and in the Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies-Leadership and Mentoring, and is an approved elective in the Master of Education in Educational Studies. There are other enrolment options, however, priority registration is given to students in Professional Learning programs. For details or to enrol, contact MES students, contact

EDU 521 School Leadership: Theory and Practice ★3

Instructors: J. Kenneth Robertson OR Glen Wilcox

Prerequisite: EDU 520 Foundations of School Leadership

Hone leadership practices grounded in research to demonstrate mastery of Alberta's Leadership Quality Standard (LQS). Includes a job-embedded learning component in which participants visit, observe, and collaborate with a school leader or leadership team in a school setting of their choice, in which the Alberta Program of Studies is offered. Note: EDU 521 is offered in all semesters but Summer.

Synchronous Zoom sessions are included; attendance is required.

Note: This course is a partial fulfillment of the academic requirements for leadership certification through Alberta's Leadership Quality Standard.

Domestic tuition: $1498 plus non-instructional fees
International tuition: $2146.44 plus non-instructional fees

This is a core course in the Graduate Certificate in School Leadership and in the Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies-Leadership and Mentoring, and is an approved elective in the Master of Education in Educational Studies. There are other enrolment options, however, priority registration is given to students in Professional Learning programs. For details or to enrol, contact MES students, contact

EDU 523 System Leadership: Theory and Practice ★3

Instructor: Cindi Vaselenak

Prerequisite: EDU 521 or principal certification in Alberta.

This research-based course enables the development of competencies that executives must demonstrate in their professional practice when leading large educational systems. The course extends on concepts and principles pertinent to all levels of educational system leadership.

First class: Thursday, May 8 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (online)

Synchronous Zoom sessions Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings: May 10, 14, 21, 24, 28 (times will be provided by the instructor); attendance is required.

Domestic tuition: $1498 plus non-instructional fees
International tuition: $2146.44 plus non-instructional fees

This is an approved elective in the Graduate Certificate in School Leadership and the Master of Education in Educational Studies. There are other enrolment options, however, priority registration is given to students in Professional Learning programs. For details or to enrol, contact MES students, contact

EDU 542 Schools as Welcoming and Inclusive Environments for All Students ★3

Instructor: Anna Kirova

Although societies have always been characterized by differentiation – made up of people of different genders, sexuality, age, abilities, race, ethnicity, religion and faith, socioeconomic status, power, etc. – there is a perception that today’s societies are becoming increasingly diverse, due in part to the unprecedented influx of displaced people worldwide. Schools’ potential to foster inclusion of different groups and to create a safe space for all students has been recognized. However, creating an inclusive and welcoming school/classroom environment remains a challenge due in part to persistent practices of othering, pathologizing, and exclusion of those who are deemed “different”.

This course investigates markers of difference, the right to be different, and agentive possibilities for creating teaching and learning contexts that concern social justice, care and equity as central to early childhood education. It focuses specifically on newcomer students and their need to belong to the school community. The course explores the complex issues of diversity and ideologies of difference as they relate to multiculturalism, inclusion/exclusion, and belonging in early childhood education, through a variety of theoretical perspectives.

Domestic tuition: $1498 plus non-instructional fees
International tuition: $2146.44 plus non-instructional fees

This is core course in the Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies - Early Childhood Education and an approved elective in the Master of Education in Educational Studies. There are other enrolment options, however, priority registration is given to students in Professional Learning programs. For details or to enrol, contact MES students, contact

EDU 595 Contemporary Perspectives and Approaches to Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom ★3

Instructor: Katie Brubacher

This course focuses on research and theories addressing linguistic, cultural and social aspects for multilingual and newcomer students in the contemporary English Language Arts classroom. It addresses approaches to instruction and assessment., and makes connections to multimodal and digital literacy practices for culturally and linguistically diverse students.

Domestic tuition: $1498 plus non-instructional fees
International tuition: $2146.44 plus non-instructional fees

This is an core course in the Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies - Contemporary Literacy Education: K-9 and an approved elective in the Master of Education in Educational Studies. There are other enrolment options, however, priority registration is given to students in Professional Learning programs. For details or to enrol, contact MES students, contact

EDU 596 Career-Long Professional Education (CPE): Theory, Models and Frameworks for Educational Leaders ★3

Instructor: Heather Kanuka

This course introduces students to a critical interpretation and evaluation of theory, models and frameworks for career-long professional education. These areas will be explored through seminal and current research on continuing, professional, and career-long learning aimed at enabling opportunities for effective educational leadership.

Domestic tuition: $1498 plus non-instructional fees
International tuition: $2146.44 plus non-instructional fees

This is an approved elective in the Graduate Certificate in School Leadership and in the Master of Education in Educational Studies. There are other enrolment options, however, priority registration is given to students in Professional Learning programs. For details or to enrol, contact MES students, contact

EDU 595 Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Music Education ★3 (On-campus)

Weekends: May 2-3, 9-10, 23-24, 30-31

Instructor: Dr. Kathy Robinson

This course will be a comprehensive exploration of culturally responsive pedagogy and its extensions, including culturally sustaining pedagogy, in elementary music. Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) aims to center the cultures, musics, languages and lived experiences of the students who we teach and learn from in our increasingly diverse Canadian society. Topics to be addressed in this course include: examining and broadening a personal mindset, developing cultural competence to teach to and through students’ personal and cultural strengths, caring for students and building a learning community, cross-cultural communications, culturally compatible instructional practices, moving beyond middle-class Eurocentric frameworks that shape North American music education, combining professional assuredness as musicians and teachers with cultural humility, and developing musicianship skills to facilitate learning in the aural tradition. Central to the course will be the investigation of current research on and best practices in culturally responsive/sustaining pedagogy for K-6 children. Hands on music experiences, guest presenters, video recordings, research and professional readings, and group discussion and presentations will be the vehicles for our learning.

Domestic tuition: $1498 plus non-instructional fees
International tuition: $2146.44 plus non-instructional fees

This is a core course in the Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies - Elementary Music Teaching and Learning and an approved elective in the Master of Education in Educational Studies. There are other enrolment options, however, priority registration is given to students in Professional Learning programs. For details or to enrol, contact MES students, contact

EDU 596 Leveraging AI for Social Justice: Case Studies of AI-Enabled Teaching and Learning ★3

Instructors: JC Couture, Stephen Murgatroyd, P. Jean Stiles

Globally and certainly here in Alberta, the renewal of curriculum and assessment has been a highly contested space as governments play a greater role in shaping what is taught and ‘measuring what matters’. Alongside these shifts in governance and the profession’s role in educational change, the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) or chatbots like ChatGPT has disrupted our understanding of the processes of teaching and learning. These digital tools – all aggressively marketed under the ambiguous label of “Artificial Intelligence”, promise to disrupt and transform education.

Rather than accepting AI as some inevitable force that will wash over schools, the course invites teachers to rekindle commitments to social justice education, to co-create engaging, relevant, and impactful learning experiences addressing important societal issues. Efforts by educators from around the world to lead curricular development such as ‘the Day of AI’ are demonstrating that practitioners need to be at the heart of determining the preferred futures of AI enabled teaching and learning.

Domestic tuition: $1498 plus non-instructional fees
International tuition: $2146.44 plus non-instructional fees

This is an approved elective in the Graduate Certificate in School Leadership and in the Master of Education in Educational Studies. There are other enrolment options, however, priority registration is given to students in Professional Learning programs. For details or to enrol, contact MES students, contact



Note: more electives will be added as they are scheduled.