GastroIntestinal and Liver Disease Research Group
What is GILDR?
GILDR Group is comprised of an energetic and experienced team of Research Nurses and Research Assistants. This team has gained recognition internationally for their excellence in managing and conducting all aspects of clinical trials. GILDR Group focuses on conducting clinical trials and research studies with outcomes that will potentially improve the quality of life of those patients that suffer specifically from gastrointestinal or liver diseases.
Our research staff closely monitors all study patients while on treatment and after treatment according to the specific guidelines of each protocol and are truly dedicated to patient care, safety, and research. Our staff works with the Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists within Alberta Health Services/University of Alberta which provides an important link between the physicians and the patients involved in the studies.
The physicians within the Division of Gastroenterology associated with GILDR at the University of Alberta are:
- Dr. Clarence Wong, MD, Division Director
- Dr. Juan G. Abraldes, MD, MMSc
- Dr. Vincent G. Bain, MD, Director, Liver Unit
- Dr. Rahima Bhanji, MD, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Michal Gozdzik, MD
- Dr. Brendan Halloran, MD
- Dr. Frank Hoentjen, MD, PhD
- Dr. Saumya Jayakumar, MD
- Dr. Constantine Karvellas, MD
- Dr. Karen Kroeker, MD
- Dr. Adriana Lazarescu, MD
- Dr. Mang M. Ma, MD
- Dr. Andrew L. Mason, MBBS
- Dr. Carlos Moctezuma-Velazquez, MD
- Dr. Aldo Montano-Loza, MD
- Dr. Farhad Peerani, MD
- Dr. Noreen Singh, MD
- Dr. Puneeta Tandon, MD
- Dr. Malcolm Wells, MD
- Dr. Karen Wong, MD
Clinical Trials Currently in Progress at GILDR
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Alcoholic Hepatitis
- Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
- Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
- Autoimmune Hepatitis
- Crohn's Disease
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Celiac
- C. difficile
- Pouchitis
We have previously performed clinical trials for upper GI bleed, irritable bowel syndrome, dyspepsia, barretts esophagus, colon cancer, colorectal polyps, esophageal cancer, functional dyspepsia, GERD, pancreatitis, & perianal fistulas.
GILDR Group mainly conducts Phase I-Ill clinical trials, which can be double-blinded studies, single-blinded studies, or open label studies.
Prior to participating in a clinical trial the research team will review with study subjects the possible benefits, possible side effects, and frequency and commitment of appointments and will address any concerns the study subject may have about the trial.
To learn more about our studies please contact:
Aniko Cole, Research Manager
Zeidler Ledcor Centre
8540 - 112 Street
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2X8
Phone: 780-492-8602
Fax: 780-492-8116
Frequently Asked Questions
- Subject - is someone who volunteers to participate in the trial
- Coordinator - clinical staff (usually a nurse) that carries out the clinical trial, along with the Principal Investigator, according to the protocol. The coordinator is the first point of contact for the study patient.
- Principal Investigator (P.I.) - physician responsible for the study at a particular site. The Principal Investigator, along with the coordinator, ensures that the patient is followed according to the protocol, and that the patient's safety is monitored throughout.
- Sponsor - is a company (such as a pharmaceutical company) or agency that initiates the clinical trial and oversees the clinical trial.
- Monitor - someone hired by the sponsor to "audit" the data collected by the coordinator/PI to ensure that protocol is being carried out correctly and that patient safety is maintained.
- Current medications/therapies on the market are not helping
- To get access to drugs/device not currently on the market
- Helping others in the future and possible important medical discoveries. As a participant you will help determine if a drug/device is effective and whether is can be marketed to others.
- Being followed by a medical professional and receiving regular tests will give you assurance that your tests are normal, or, if not normal you can receive early treatment .
- All clinical trials done at the GILDR Group have to be approved by the Heath Research Ethics Board (HREB) at the University of Alberta. The HREB ensures that the protocol is safe to carry out on humans and that it is in adherence to Health Canada guidelines. Also, any changes made to the protocol during the study, by the Sponsor, have to receive both HREB and Health Canada approval.
- Your confidentiality is protected during the study. Only the Principal Investigator and study coordinator will know your personal information. Once you are on the study you will be assigned a patient number. This patient number will be the only identifier that the sponsor will ever see.
- If at any time during the study the Principal Investigator feels that your safety is comprised you will be withdrawn from the clinical trial immediately.
- All clinical trials are voluntary and you may withdraw from the study at any time at your request.
- An informed consent form is a document that study subjects have to read, understand, and sign before starting a clinical trial. The consent form is easy to understand and will be reviewed with the study subject with the coordinator and Principal Investigator. This form is also approved by the Heath Research Ethics Board (HREB). The purpose of this form is to ensure that the potential study subject fully understands all aspects of the trial and can make an informed decision before agreeing to participate.
- The consent form includes:
- Purpose of the study
- Study procedures and visit frequency
- Subjects responsibilities
- Possible risks
- Possible benefits
- Alternative therapy
- Compensation for injury
- Confidentiality
- Right to withdraw from study
- Reimbursement of expenses
- Contact information
- A phase III clinical trial is the third phase of the trial and is conducted on a much larger group than the previous phases (1,000-5,000). This phase will determine if the drug/device is producing the desired result and whether it is effective enough for the drug to be marketed.
- During all phases of a clinical trial potential side effects of the compound is monitored.