Student Ombuds Internship Program

To apply for internship positions, check postings at the Career Centre job board campusBridge for the Arts Work Experience Program, ALES Internship Program, Graduate Student Internship Program (GSIP), and Faculty of Science Internship Program.

The intern program is structured for leadership and career development in ombudsing and related fields. There are two undergraduate ombuds internships (one full-time 12-month internship and one full-time 10-month contract (8-month internship) and one graduate internship (part-time/2 days per week) and all are paid positions. The interns develop critical leadership and communication skills under the training and mentorship of the senior ombudspersons.

The key aspects of the mentoring program are:

  • mentorship (learning by instruction and example)
  • shadowing (learning by observing senior ombuds)
  • debriefing (learning by reflection) of examples (an opportune time to focus on cues to cultural nuances, etc)
  • skill-building in alternative dispute resolution (communication and conflict resolution skill roleplays).

The program provides an opportunity for networking with ombuds in higher education throughout Canada and globally. If you enjoy working with students and believe you have strong listening and empathetic skills, consider an internship in this small office with its strong teamwork focus.




Career & Professional Development
