Alternate Formats for Accessibility of Course Materials

Conversion of course materials into alternate formats is required by students whose disabilities affect the processing of materials, for example, blind or partially sighted students, students with certain learning disabilities, and students with other conditions, such as Irlen Syndrome.

The types of alternate formats prepared depend upon the nature of the student's disability and the equipment/software used. In-house production can involve scanning and, in many cases, formatting materials so that they are ready for use as alternate formats, including e-text, large print, Braille, and audio.


To access Alternate Format Services, first, contact your Accessibility Advisor to receive a referral. Then contact Alternate Format Services at 780-492-3381 or to make an appointment.


Course Materials
Have your course materials arrive at the bookstore three weeks in advance of the start of classes. This allows our office sufficient time to obtain the materials and begin the process of adapting them before classes begin. It ensures your student has course material to work with from the start of term. Understandably, you will not know you have a student who requires alternate format much before the term begins, so by regularly ordering in advance, your material will always be accessible. When providing readings or handouts in class, offering a text accessible electronic version (pdf, doc, docx, rtf) provides students with a format that can be read using adaptive technology software and/or be more readily adapted into the required format.

To allow time for conversion, exams requiring alternate format should be submitted a minimum of three working days before the exam date. Delivery options include uploading into ClockWork's Instructor Services Portal or e-mailing the exam since electronic format is needed in order to prepare the material. Every exam must be accompanied by exam instructions and details, entered through the ClockWork's Instructor Services Portal.

Occasionally, exam questions may be unsuitable for conversion to alternate format (for example, a three-dimensional image). In this case, a member of the Alternate Format Team will contact you to discuss the possibility of an adapted question that will test the same content/concept in a more suitable format.




Academic Support
