Student FAQs for Remote Delivery Exams
Updated: December 23, 2021
These Frequently Asked Questions address common issues students may experience in remote course and assessment delivery, as well as with general academic problems. This information will be updated as new information becomes available.
If you have additional questions or need assistance, contact
Course Resources: Review the resources provided by your instructors about how to approach your course assessments, and follow up with your instructors when you have questions. Your instructors will also be able to direct you to any resources available within your Faculty, such as virtual drop-in help sessions, study group programs, and more.
Student Services: Campus services are available to provide individual support on everything from academic strategies and student life to personal safety and mental health services. To learn more about the University’s response to COVID-19, visit the University’s COVID-19 Information and Updates website. Visit Campus Life at the U of A and Current Students for answers to many of your questions.
Academic Strategies for Remote Learning & Assessment:
- Remote appointments with learning, writing, and communication specialists at the Academic Success Centre are currently available. Our specialists can help you adapt your studying, paper writing, exam, and other academic skills to the remote context. Contact to get connected.
- Check out the Student Resources for Remote Learning, including the Learning Remotely - A Guide to Successful Online Learning eClass course.
- If you are a current student who has a permanent documented disability that affects your mobility, vision, hearing, learning, and/or a chronic physical or mental health condition, the Academic Success Centre can help you register for and access formal academic accommodations.
- To register, complete the Student Accommodation Registration Form. A staff member will then contact you to book a registration appointment.
- Learn more about academic accommodations for students with documented permanent disabilities and/or chronic physical/mental health conditions here.
- PLEASE NOTE: Based on restrictions enacted by the Government of Alberta with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic, some accommodation services have been modified for remote delivery and to more quickly facilitate students’ changing accommodation needs. Access to some services is limited due to remote delivery.
Before your exams, ask your instructors:
- how they wish you to manage technical problems during their exams.
- if you are allowed to take screenshots during their exams.
- how you may contact them during their exams: should you email, use an eClass chat, enter a Google chat or meet, send a Google meet invite, or use another communication method?
Before your exams, prepare to use your technologies and devices:
- test the technologies and devices you need to use during your exams.
- practice using these technologies and devices early and often.
- complete any practice tests or questions made available by your instructors.
- address any technical problems you encounter as soon as they arise.
- contact eClass for assistance with any problems you encounter with eClass technology.
- contact your instructors with any questions.
- If you are registered for accommodations and need assistance with your adaptive technologies, email adapte .
If you encounter technical problems during an exam,
- note the time the problems occurred and what happened, as well as the question on which you were working.
- take screenshots (if allowed).
- contact your instructor for assistance (if allowed) right away.
- if required, follow up with your instructor after the exam.
If you discover that your accommodations are not correct before you write an exam, email your instructor and copy promptly.
If you discover that your accommodations are not correct during an exam,
- follow the instructions provided by your instructor before the exam to contact the instructor (see “What do I do if I encounter technical computer or eClass problems during an exam?” above).
- copy on any emails related to the accommodation problems you encountered.
Follow any instructions provided by your instructor in class and in the course syllabus. Promptly email your instructor about your problem. Issues are normally resolved at this point.
If your problem is not resolved, you have a number of options available, depending on the nature of your problem, including:
- Register Complaints about Marking, Grading, and Related Issues: review and follow the “Procedures for Registering Complaints about Marking, Grading, and Related Issues” in the Evaluation Procedures and Grading System section of the University Calendar. This procedure states that “the student should make the concern known to the appropriate individual in the following sequence:
- Academic Appeal: students can appeal grading decisions under the University grading and appeal policy. Review “Academic Appeals” in the Appeals and Grievances section of the University Calendar.
- Appeal under the Duty to Accommodate Procedure: If you are registered for academic accommodations and efforts to arrange appropriate academic accommodations are unsuccessful, students may appeal to the Dean of Students and the Dean of the relevant Faculty (or designates). Review the “Accommodation Process” in the Duty to Accommodate Procedure for details. Email regarding appeals of academic accommodations.
Contact the Office of the Student Ombuds for assistance on these matters. Ombuds staff can discuss your options with you to identify the best option for your circumstances.