Mark Rowswell, aka Dashan joined CIUA Deputy Director Jia Wang on China Matters, the China Institute's official podcast, for an exclusive interview to discuss cultural differences and similarities between China and Canada; what it means to be a cultural ambassador; and, how he initially became interested in China in the first place.
Listen to the one-on-on English and Mandarin interviews below!
Earlier this month, the China Institute had the great fortune to receive television personality and cultural ambassador Dashan at the University of Alberta for a series of exciting events. Dashan, also known as "the most famous foreigner in China" was in Edmonton on June 6th to receive an Honorary Doctorate of Letters - the highest honour conferred by the University of Alberta - and performed 大山侃大山Dashan Live at the Myer Horowitz theatre on campus. On June 7th, the China Institute and the University of Alberta International hosted a more intimate English event, "Dialogue with Dashan"; an open discussion highlighting Mark's life story, and cross-cultural issues, taking questions from the audience. "Dialogue with Dashan" was attended by UofA students and staff, as well as Chinese bilingual students from Ross Shepherd and McNally high schools.