Recruitment starts with engagement.

Connect with Alberta's best and brightest through the U of A Career Centre. We help small, medium, and large employers - local, national, and international - network and build relationships with U of A students, postdoctoral fellows, and alumni. We are here to assist you with all your post-secondary recruitment needs.

Learn more about how we can support you in recruiting: Employer Relations Team Brochure


  • If you would like to book an engagement event with students and alumni, contact the Employer Relations team at 
  • To discuss your campus presence and brand, contact Outreach Coordinator, Anthony Pangilinan at or 780-492-4298.
  • Questions regarding co-ops and internships and work experience programs can be directed to our Work Experience Coordinator, Rachel Sisson at
Looking for other ways to engage with students and alumni?

Employer Resources

The Employer Relations team is curating and creating resources and advice to support your recruitment activities at U of A. We are your partner in creating the most effective campus recruitment strategies. Check out our resources page or discuss your recruitment goals with us, you can reach our team of experts at