Updates - COVID-19 & Our Facilities


Stay home if you have a fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, or shortness of breath or if you are a close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19 or has returned to Canada from an outside country within the last 14 days.

Thank you for being safe, kind, and patient. We’re in this together. We will get through it together.

» Read our latest update

How do I enter the facility?
All of our entrances are currently open and unlocked during operational hours. Please be mindful of masking and distancing protocols as you enter and move about our facilities.
What are you guidelines for Physical Distancing?

Physical Distancing — Stay at least 2 metres away from others while participating in physical activity.

Will hand sanitizer be provided?
There will be hand sanitizing stations throughout the facility. 
What do I do if I start to feel ill?

If you feel ill, please follow the University's rapid response plan. 

→ Rapid response plan

Do I need my own water bottle?
The water fountains will have bottle filling only. The mouthpiece will be disabled so please remember your water bottle.
What type of cleaner are you using?

Please contact Customer Service for information on the cleaners and disinfectants we use in our facilities.

Contact us

Will you have someone monitoring physical distancing and equipment cleaning?

Our staff will be regularly monitoring the facilities.

  • Signage/video reminders are placed around the facility,  and scheduled appointments to use our facilities will minimize numbers in common areas.