What is Physical Education?

Physical education is the relationship between health, physical activity and recreation. This major is an outstanding foundational degree for careers in health sciences or education. When you study physical education, you'll also look at sport and wellness to help encourage healthy living for all.

Physical Education at Augustana

This program will provide a solid foundation in the discipline of physical education. You will learn about:

  • how the human body works;
  • proper movement;
  • how performance and injury are related; and,
  • historical trends in areas of sport studies.

Program Information

Physical Education is available as a:

  • Major in Bachelor of Arts

Admissions Requirements

  • Major in Bachelor of Science

Admissions Requirements

  • Minor in any program

Academic Innovations

All programs at Augustana include a wide-ranging liberal arts and sciences core, taught within our unique “3-11” calendar.

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An undergraduate degree majoring in Physical Education from Augustana is not just for people wanting to be teachers. It can also lead to other fulfilling careers like:

  • Physiotherapist
  • Recreation Director
  • Personal Trainer
  • Sport Agent
  • and many more!

Physical Education AlumnUS

A portrait of Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen
Kinesiologist + Business Owner

Tony co-founded the Edmonton-based company F.R.E.E. Fitness. “At Augustana, I learned what it was like to be heard and helped by others. I want to offer that same experience to my clients.”

Course Highlights

251 - Athletic Injuries

Study in the recognition and treatment of athletic injuries and vulnerable body structures, with emphasis on evaluation, modalities of treatment, rehabilitation, and current issues.


314 - Exercise Physiology

Study of the physiological response of the human body to acute exercise and to chronic exercise (training).


344 - Human Nutrition

This course will provide a detailed overview of human nutrition by examining the roles of both macro and micronutrients in human health. It will discuss the recommended intakes and dietary sources of essential nutrients and provide a synopsis of their role in metabolism. Nutritional needs throughout the life cycle as well as those required for physical activity will be discussed.


360 - Hockey: Culture and Commerce

Examination of the cultural and business aspects of the sport of hockey, historically and in the present. The course explores such topics as fan identities, cultural memory and tradition, race and ethnicity, gender and youth culture, labour relations and free agency, salary caps and revenue sharing, minor hockey, audiences and the mass media, fighting and violence, league expansion and franchise relocations, and arena construction.


369 - Modern Olympic Games

Examination of the historical development of the modern Olympic Games. Topics include politics, nationalism, culture, commercialism, media, gender, race and identity.


More Physical Education courses in the Course Catalogue.


Portrait of Morten Asfeldt

Morten Asfeldt, M.Sc.

Research interests: history and philosophy of outdoor education, place-based learning, outdoor education in Canada.

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Portrait of Judy Liao, PhD

Judy Liao, PhD

Teaching areas and research interest: Sport sociology, sports media, women's sport, gender in sport and popular culture, physical cultural studies.

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Portrait of Stacy Lorenz, PhD

Stacy Lorenz, PhD

Teaching areas and research interests: sport and history, social issues, local & national identities; media and popular culture; hockey and culture, violence and masculinity.

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