The Wahkohtowin Law and Governance Lodge is a dedicated research unit based out of the University of Alberta. The Wahkohtowin Lodge’s objectives are to uphold Indigenous laws and governance by:
Supporting Indigenous communities’ goals to identify, articulate, and implement their own laws,
Developing, gathering, amplifying, and transferring wise practices, promising methods and research tools,
Producing useful and accessible public legal education resources.
The Wahkohtowin Lodge responds to the expressed needs of Indigenous communities and organizations and specifically answers the TRC Call to Action #50, which calls for the creation of Indigenous Law Institutes for the “development, use and understanding of Indigenous laws.”
wâhkôhtowin wiyasiwêwin êkwa paminisowin okihcitâwikamik anima ohci kapimâcihohk, mâmawinitowinihk, êkwa ita kawicêhsihcikêmitohk, kawîtatoskêmitocik University of Alberta, omisisi:
kasihtoskahkik iyiniw mâmawinitowina kâwîhisihcikêyit kakiskêyihtahkik, kâhisinitawêyihtahkik, êkwa kahapacihtâcik owiyasiwêwiniwâwa êkwaopaminisowin.
kâwiyastâcik, kamâmawastâcik, kasôhkastâcik, êkwa kahâsônamâkehkisihtwâwina, kêsimiyopayik, êkwa nanâtohk nitwâcihcikêwin âpacihcikana.
kahosihtâcik kêsimiyopayik êkwa takî-âpatahki paminisowin masinahikanaêkwa kahkiyaw awiyak ohci wiyasiwêwin kiskinohamâkosiwin.