Environment + Safety Training

University of Alberta Quad

Safety is a core value in the U of A's Culture of Care safety action plan. Training and establishing competency in a skill contribute to a safe workplace, ensuring that every member of our community goes home safely each day.


The Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS), is a framework of policy, procedure, and program-level documents in support of safe working and learning activities at the U of A. Training and competency is an important element of the HSEMS to provide the skills to enhance health and safety practices.

U of A senior administrators, supervisors, staff, faculty, post-docs and students conducting university-related activities must be trained and competent to do so. Review the Training and Competency Assignment of AccountabilityProcedure, and program document open in a new tab to learn more.


Online and classroom-based health, safety, and environment training is open to all U of A employees and students.


Health, safety, and environment online training is free to all University of Alberta employees and students. Costs for in-person training are provided in the catalogue of courses.

Before Starting Work: Training Requirements

  1. Review the courses listed in Training by Worksite or Hazard and conduct a training needs assessmentopen in a new tab
  2. To access courses, go to the HSE training site open in a new tab or through the link provided in the  Catalogue of Courses.
  3. Complete training and document it using one of the following:  Training log (basic) open in a new tab / Training log (with sorting) open in a new tab / Training record (group) open in a new tab
  4. Use this competency assessment template to ensure that you've 1) completed the online or classroom training, 2) practiced the skill while supervised, and 3) can demonstrate the skill without assistance.

TRAINING by Worksite + Hazard

View the training (both mandatory and recommended) health and safety training for the type of work/study that you do. Note that individual requirements may differ depending on the hazards you will be working with. You can also search for specific courses in the catalogue of courses.