Field Research Office

Message from Dr. Erin Bayne, Field Research Director
"As a field researcher for over 30 years, I have had the good fortune to work all over this beautiful country. I have learned a lot about what it takes to create a successful and safe field experience, managing teams consisting of a single individual to crews of over 30 people. Field research takes a huge amount of upfront effort in pre-trip planning, safety training, hazard assessment and equipment management.The Field Research Office is here to help you with these tasks. My goal as director is to develop tools and processes that ensure we all can collect the high-quality data we need, while at the same time providing the necessary support to ensure all safety standards and legal requirements are met."
Field Research Office
The Field Research Office (FRO) helps to facilitate safe off-campus research activities, including all types of field, archival, library or other research, as well as field trips and field schools carried out nationally or internationally. We provide advice and offer the following services:
- Information on field operations and/or safety plans to ensure compliance with U of A policy and OHS legislation.
- Information on mitigation or control of hazards.
- Equipment rentals at cost-recovery (e.g., satellite communication devices, AEDs and medical first aid kits).
- Connections to other field researchers within the U of A community.
Field Research Activities Committee
The Field Research Activities Committee (FRAC) is made up of faculty members who specialize in field research, safety technicians, senior management within Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) and other units. The committee provides a channel of communication between field researchers and senior administration, and works towards solutions on issues identified by the U of A’s field research community.
Field Researcher's Toolkit
- Pre-Planning page that explains all the necessary steps including the Central Field Activities Plan Registry
- Field Research FAQs
- Field Reseach Safety Training
- Field Activities Plan (FAP) Template
- Field Activities Plan Addendum
- Human-Participant Research Field Activities Plan (H-FAP) Template
- Daily Field Safety Log Books
- Equipment Request Form
- FAP Instruction Sheet
- Insurance Information for Field Researchers