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Key Stats

1.41 GJ per m² energy used in 2021

2,189,980 GJ total energy used in 2021

1,557,506 m² university internal footprint 2021


research impact

For the period 2018-2022

№ relevant publications: 1,552 

№ times cited: 27,880

Source: InCites


sample Courses





Institutional Stewardship Initiatives

District Energy System

A district energy system centrally generates and distributes heating, cooling, electricity and chilled water to the University of Alberta and associated hospitals. Operating a central thermal energy plant brings efficiencies and avoids 60,000 tons of CO2 emissions each year. 

Energy Reduction Master Plan

The University of Alberta’s energy management program dates back to the 1970s. $80 million invested over the last four decades has avoided $380 million in utility costs and mitigated 2.3 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. Responding to significant growth in the use and scale of the university’s facilities, the Energy Reduction Master Plan is the current strategy to keep energy bills low and minimize environmental impacts. Tactics include retrofitting buildings, encouraging behaviour changes and increasing the supply of renewable energy generated on campus.

Research institutes, centres & projects

Future Energy Systems

Future Energy Systems is a $75 million tri-agency funded research group that develops the energy technologies of the near future; examines the integration of these technologies into current infrastructure; and considers the social, economic and environmental impacts of energy innovations. Their renewable energy research includes innovations in biomass, hydrogen fuel cells, geothermal, solar, wind and smart grids.

U of A courses help students skill up for careers in renewable energy

The Faculty of Extension’s Renewable Energy Technologies Series is a trio of programs introducing professionals to the design of solar and wind power systems.