2010 Dr. Frances A. Puffer Undergraduate Scholarship

Dr. Frances A. Puffer Scholarship * Deadline June 30th * 2010 Dr. Frances A. Puffer Scholarship In Sociology Many Thanks to Dr. Karel Puffer, P.Eng for his kind Donation, made in memory

9 February 2010

Dr. Frances A. Puffer Scholarship * Deadline June 30th *

2010 Dr. Frances A. Puffer Scholarship

In Sociology

Many Thanks to Dr. Karel Puffer, P.Eng for his kind Donation, made in memory of Dr. Frances A. Puffer, a University professor, educator, mentor and advisor to many.

Value: $1500.00


Are you:

Enrolled in a BA Undergraduate Degree Program?

A Sociology Major?

Entering your SECOND year?

Have superior academic standing?

An established record of service and/or volunteer activities within your community?

If so, this Award was made for YOU!

Please submit your application and letters of reference to:

Department of Sociology General Office

5-21 HM Tory Building

In an enveloped marked:

"Puffer Scholarship Application"

Applications will not be accepted after June 30, 2010

*Please note, letters of reference may be emailed by the referor directly to cristeen@ualberta.ca at the Department of Sociology General Office.