Diode Laser Applications for Dentists


We designed this course for dentists and provides training in support of diode laser physics, safety, and clinical utilization for diode laser systems.


This course will include online eClass laser safety training and access to diode training courses. Didactic and innovative hands-on instruction will be given in the following areas:

  • Troughing
  • Soft Tissue Crown Lengthening
  • Gingivectomy/Gingivoplasty
  • Pain Therapy Management
  • Frenectomy
  • Fibroma Removal
  • Treatment of Oral Ulcerations
  • Biomodulation
  • Non-surgical Periodontics
  • Whitening

Benefits of Utilizing a Diode Laser in Clinic

Diode lasers have had a significant impact on the field of dentistry due to their versatility, precision, and safety.

Here are some of the key impacts and applications of diode lasers in dentistry:

  • Soft Tissue Surgery: Diode lasers are frequently employed in dentistry for various soft tissue procedures, including gingivectomies, frenectomies, and operculectomies. These lasers offer precise cutting and coagulation capabilities, minimizing bleeding and postoperative discomfort for patients.
  • Periodontal Therapy: Diode lasers treat periodontal disease by removing infected gum tissue, decontaminating pockets, and promoting faster healing than traditional methods.
  • Teeth Whitening: Diode lasers enhance teeth whitening by activating a gel, accelerating bleaching, and thereby achieving whiter teeth faster.
  • Pain Relief and Lesion Treatment: Diode lasers offer pain relief for TMJ disorders, treat oral lesions like cold sores or aphthous ulcers, reducing pain, inflammation, and promoting tissue healing.
  • Endodontic Procedures: Diode lasers enhance endodontics by removing infected tissue and bacteria and disinfecting root canals, thereby improving the success of root canal treatments.
  • Biopsy and Lesion Removal: Dentists use diode lasers for the biopsy and removal of oral lesions, such as suspicious growths or cysts. The laser allows for precise and controlled tissue removal, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
  • Bacterial Reduction: Diode lasers reduce bacteria in oral pockets and other areas, aiding gum disease treatment and lowering infection risk during dental procedures.
  • Minimal Discomfort: Diode lasers minimize pain and post-procedure discomfort compared to traditional surgical methods, often requiring fewer anesthetics, reducing swelling, and speeding up recovery.
  • Enhanced Patient Experience: Diode lasers enhance the patient experience by alleviating dental procedure anxiety. Patients value the decreased pain, quicker recovery, and enhanced aesthetics delivered by laser treatments.
  • Precision and Control: Diode lasers provide precise control over tissue ablation and coagulation, making them valuable tools for delicate oral procedures.
While diode lasers have many advantages in dentistry, it's important to note that their effectiveness depends on the dentist's skill and proper training in laser technology. Dentists must follow safety guidelines to ensure patient comfort and safety when using diode lasers in dental procedures.

additional course details


Online eClass laser safety training and access to diode training courses will be given two weeks before the hands-on instruction day.

  • 8:30 - NOON: Laser-Tissue Interaction
  • NOON - 1:00: Lunch
  • 1:00 - 3:00: Evidence, Cases
  • 3:00 - 4:00: Hands-On Session

Products Featured

  • Biolase: Epic X
  • Pain Therapy Handpiece


  • DDS/DMD degree and active practicing license from your dental regulatory authority.




Dr. Brad Labrecque is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan. He received his Dental Degree in 1983 after completing a BSc with Honors in Biochemistry. Immediately after graduation Dr Labrecque opened his first private practice in Humboldt, Saskatchewan where he remained for six years.

In 1989 he moved to Kamloops, BC where he currently resides and operates a general practice with his focus on lasers and minimally invasive dentistry. He has actively used lasers in his practice for the last 12 years, being one of the first dentists in Canada to incorporate the Waterlase in private practice. Dr Labrecque is a founding member of the World Congress of Microdentistry. He received his Mastership with the WCLI in Laser Dentistry in 2009.


If you have questions please reach out to dentce@ualberta.ca.

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Cancellation fee is 20% of the total course fee. Cancellation cannot be accommodated once access to course content has occurred.