Research Ethics Board (REB) 1

This Board reviews research involving in-person interviews, focus groups, ethnographies, community engagement, and instructor-led course-based research assignments.

It specifically addresses research with emergent, idiographic, or inductive designs that require ongoing communication and relationship building between investigators and participants, as well as with the Board. It also considers applications with special social, cultural, or relationship circumstances that have ethical implications.

Examples of research reviewed by this Board include in-person interviews, focus groups, participant action research, ethnographies, auto-ethnographies, and collaborative research with strong community involvement. It also handles proposals involving vulnerable or protected populations, or investigators with ongoing relationships with potential research participants.

Preparing Your Submission

Submission approval time varies depending on several factors. On average, applicants can expect a processing time of 2-4 weeks from submission to approval.

Templates and Guidelines: Forms Cabinet

Meeting Dates

The majority of research submitted to REB 1 undergoes delegated review, while research considered greater than minimal risk is reviewed by the full committee. The REB meeting dates are as follows:

Submission Deadlines

Due to the majority of research submitted to REB 1 being minimal risk, there is flexibility in the submission deadlines.

  • Applications deemed minimal risk will undergo delegated review upon receipt.
  • Applications classified as greater than minimal risk and requiring full board review will be reviewed at the next available meeting.
  • Researchers should aim to submit these applications approximately 2 weeks prior to the meeting date.

Members of the Board

Board members who are investigators in research studies do not participate in discussions or voting on those studies at committee meetings.