Animal Service Units

Our team of clinical veterinarians and facility staff are committed to partnering with you to ensure the well-being of your research animals and the success of your studies. With extensive expertise in animal health and care practices, they are dedicated to promoting animal welfare while supporting scientific progress.

At the University of Alberta, there are three animal service units that provide the following services in line with CCAC direction:

  • Advanced medical care
  • Model development and refinement
  • Operational procurement, housing, husbandry, and transportation
  • Materials and technical support
  • Applying for controlled substances scientific exemptions open in a new tab through Health Canada
  • Safety protocols for biohazards, occupational hazards, radiation, and chemicals

For assistance in these areas, please contact the respective facilities directly.

Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science Animal Service (AFNSAS)

Predominantly research, teaching and testing involving poultry, swine and ruminants. 

Science Animal Support Services (SASS)

Predominantly research, teaching and testing involving xenopus, birds, fish, and wildlife. 

For more information, contact:

Health Sciences Laboratory Animal Services (HSLAS)

Predominantly research, teaching and testing involving laboratory animals (mostly rodents). 

For more information, contact:
780-492-3040hslasadm@ualberta.caFax: 780-492-7083

Other Centres and Institutes

Apart from the three Animal Service Units on campus, there are specialized animal service and training centers within research institutes and laboratories. These centers provide veterinarian oversight through the animal service facilities. Researchers may have access to fee-based services and should directly contact these centers.

Examples include:

Ray Rajotte Surgical Medical Research Institute (RRSMRI)

Offers advanced surgical research and training facilities for both large and small laboratory model surgeries, including minimally invasive procedures.

Centre for Prions and Protein Folding Diseases

A world-class interdisciplinary training environment focused on combating Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), and related prion disorders in livestock, wild cervids, and protein folding diseases in humans.

Transgenic Core Facility

The University of Alberta Transgenic Core Facility was established to help researchers with their transgenic mouse production and archiving needs. It is located in the Health Sciences Laboratory Animal Services (HSLAS) facility.