Financial Holds

All students are expected to clear any outstanding financial holds from their records in a timely manner.

If you have a financial hold (i.e., fine) on your record, you will not be able to:

  • Register for classes
  • Obtain or order your official transcripts
  • Obtain your degree parchment
  • Obtain or order your Certificate of Degree

You are advised to clear the hold on your record with the appropriate department(s) as soon as possible. Please note that depending on a department's resources, the hold may not clear off your record for one to two business days. Keep this in mind when Add/Drop deadlines are approaching; you may wish to inform the department that you need to register, so that department staff can clear the fine off your record as soon as possible.

Department information

Department Contact info Additional information
U of A Libraries Cameron Library: (780) 492-8440
Voicemail: (780) 492-3683
Pay your fines online through their website.
Chemistry Stores (780) 492-4781
Emergency Loans

Contact the Student Service Centre or visit them in person at
2 - 180 University Commons.

Payments can only be made online at this time. Please review the "How do I repay my loan?" section of the Emergency Loan website for more information.
Residence Services (780) 492-7514
1-044 Lister Centre
Contact Residence Services for payment information.
Parking Services

(780) 492-PARK (7275)
1-051 Lister Centre

If you pay your outstanding fine by personal cheque, be aware that it will take three weeks to clear. Consult the Parking Services website for more information.
Student Service Centre Contact the Student Service Centre

For information on University Policy regarding Overdue Accounts, please refer to the University Calendar.