Mary Beckie focuses on community engagement and sustainable community development as it relates to regenerative, equitable and place-based agri-food systems, locally and around the globe.
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Susan Chatwood examines Arctic health systems to address the concerns and determinants of health unique to the north, including climate change, Indigenous values and geographical challenges.
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Irina Dinu investigates tools for microarray technology, critical in measuring gene expression and studying disease markers.
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Fay Fletcher engages in community-based research with First Nations and Métis Settlements to inform the development and delivery of high-quality education programs and scholarly work on engagement with First Nations and Métis people.
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Rebecca Gokiert leads the Evaluation Capacity Network, which bridges community-university evaluation gaps, serving as a hub for students, researchers, government and community organizations to share and access evaluation expertise, resources and educational opportunities.
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Sherilee Harper investigates the associations between weather and Indigenous health in the context of climate change and works with Indigenous Peoples to strengthen health systems and interventions.
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Elaine Hyshka is a health systems and services researcher focused on advancing a public health approach to substance use in Canada.
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Shanthi Johnson researches health promotion and falls/injury prevention among older adults, focusing on understanding the underlying factors and developing effective interventions.
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Maria Mayan works at the intersection of government, not-for-profit, disadvantaged and clinician communities, focusing on the causes of marginalization and mobilizing against inequitable systems.
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Stephanie Montesanti is an applied health policy and health systems researcher who studies complex public health issues and advocates for systems change.
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Zubia Mumtaz studies how inequities impact maternal and female reproductive health, and the ways to improve health services and their delivery to marginalized women in South Asia.
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Candace Nykiforuk is an applied public health researcher focused on how people, policy and place interact to shape healthy communities and promote lifelong health and well-being.
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Erin Pollock works with students, instructors and organizational mentors to co-create experiential learning opportunities focused on the practice of public health. These opportunities and partnerships support master of public health students to graduate as agents of change for population health outcomes.
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Kim Raine researches the social and cultural influences that determine why people eat the way they do and develops community and policy strategies to promote healthy eating and reduce inequities.
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Denise Spitzer examines how global processes—intersecting with gender, migration status, sexuality, ethnicity and other social identifiers—affect health and well-being.
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Jane Springett develops methods of participatory action research to help people make sense of health and its promotion in their daily lives, and promotes citizen involvement in research and social action for change.
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Kate Storey is a school health researcher who focuses on strategies to promote the health and well-being of children, families and communities in settings where they live, learn and play.
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Ruth Wolfe is an ally of the Community Health Worker Network of Canada which advocates for recognition of the many minoritized women and men working to address health inequities in their communities.
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Shelby Yamamoto explores and addresses the health impact of air pollotion and climate change on vulnerable populations.
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Stephanie Yanow is developing new tools to detect malaria and other tropical infections in low-resource settings, studying the effects of malaria in pregnancy and working to design a vaccine to protect women and babies.
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Yan Yuan is a health data scientist who, working in interdisciplinary teams, develops quantitative methodology for health related data and applies data science tools to advance both precision population health and population health,
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