Emergency Procedures


Call: 911 All Campuses

Emergency Numbers - All Campuses

North Campus + South Campus

  • Fire/Police/Ambulance: 911
  • Protective Services: 780-492-5050 (complaints/information, 24 hrs)
  • Building Emergency (noxious odours, pests, flood, outage, etc.): 780-492-5555
  • Edmonton Police Service: 780-423-4567

Campus Saint-Jean

  • Fire/Police/Ambulance: 911
  • Protective Services: 780-492-5050 (complaints/information, 24 hrs)
  • Building Emergency (noxious odours, pests, flood, outage, etc.): 780-492-5555
  • Edmonton Police Service: 780-423-4567

Augustana Campus

Enterprise Square

Building Alarms

All staff members will:

  • Ensure that visitors in their immediate area are aware of the alarm.
  • Ask visitors to accompany them.
  • Do NOT use elevators.
  • Evacuate immediately through the nearest marked FIRE EXIT.
  • Follow directions from Floor Wardens.
  • Close doors behind them.
  • Go to the building muster point: Green Space North of Building and West of Building.
  • Do NOT re-enter the building until Protective Services (UAPS) or the Building Warden gives the all clear.
  • If there are any media on-site, refer their questions to University Relations.
  • People who cannot evacuate due to mobility challenges will:
    • Report to the nearest emergency exit stairwell and remain there.
    • Identify themselves to the Floor Warden or by phone to Protective Services at 780-492-5050.

Supervisors will:

  • Direct their staff members to evacuate to the muster point.

Instructors will:

  • Cease instruction or exams in progress. Direct students to evacuate to the muster point.

Researchers will:

  • Shut down research in a safe manner if possible.

Shelter In Place

Emergency responders may direct University members to Shelter in Place.

Sheltering in place means staying inside whatever building you happen to be in at the time of an emergency or, if you are outside, going into an undamaged building nearby and staying there for a period that may last hours to several days.

To respond to Shelter in Place, all staff members will:

  • Go indoors.
  • Close doors and windows.
  • Turn thermostats off.
  • Cancel travel and meetings.
  • Monitor email and the University website for updates.
  • Call 911 for any medical emergencies.
  • If there are any media on-site, refer their questions to University Relations.

Supervisors will:

  • Ensure that all staff are aware of the directions to Shelter in Place.

Medical Emergency

To respond when someone becomes ill or is injured and requires emergency medical assistance, the person who detects the illness or injury will:

  • Call 911 to report the emergency.
  • Follow directions from 911 dispatchers.
  • Render first aid assistance that they are trained to provide before trained responders arrive.
  • Order someone to meet EMS at the main door of the building.
  • Do NOT move an injured person unless they are in immediate danger.
  • Comfort the person with reassurance and try to limit others entering the area.
  • Protect himself or herself from blood and bodily fluids that may be present.
  • Remain to provide information to the emergency medical responders and provide assistance if required.
  • Notify his or her supervisor at the earliest safe opportunity.
  • If there are any media on-site, refer their questions to University Relations.

The supervisor will:

Bomb Threat

To respond to a bomb threat phone call, the person who receives the bomb threat phone call will:

  • Remain calm.
  • Keep the caller talking, unless they are told that the bomb will go off within a few minutes.
  • Write down all the information you receive; use exact words when possible.
  • Get these key facts if you can:
    • Date and time of the call.
    • When the bomb is set to go off?
    • Which part of the building is it in?
    • Type of bomb.
    • Identifiable characteristics of the caller; e.g. male-female, accent, laughing, serious.
    • Any background noises you can hear.
  • Do not hang up the phone.
  • Do not put the caller on hold or transfer the call.
  • Try to alert someone close by to call a supervisor or Protective Services at 780-492-5050.
  • Report bomb threats to Protective Services at 780-492-5050.
  • Follow Protective Services directions.
  • After the call has ended record as much information as possible.
  • If there are any media on-site, refer their questions to University Relations.

The supervisor will:

  • Ensure that all staff are aware of the incident.
  • Give instructions to other staff.

To respond to a written or e-mailed bomb threat message, the person who receives the message will:

  • Remain calm.
  • Notify Protective Services and your supervisor and provide details.
  • Follow the direction of Protective Services.
  • Preserve the evidence.

The supervisor will:

  • Ensure that all staff are aware of the incident.
  • Give instructions to other staff.

Suspicious Email, Letter, or Package

To respond to suspicious e-mail, letters, or packages: the person who detects a suspicious letter or package will:

  • Record characteristics of suspicious packages, that may include one or more of the following:
    • Fictitious, unfamiliar or no return address.
    • Address to a title only or an incorrect title.
    • Excessive packaging, weight, postage.
    • Misspelling of common words.
    • Discoloration, stains or odd smell.
  • Remain calm.
  • Treat it as a real threat until it is properly evaluated.
  • Handle the item or material as little as possible and with care.
  • Not open, shake, bump or drop the letter/package or spread any substance from the material.
  • Isolate it immediately from others and secure the area.
  • Leave it alone and do not let anyone else touch the letter/package/substance.
  • If the letter or package is open place the letter back into the envelope/package and close it.
  • Immediately try to wash their hands with soap and water and try not to contaminate any other person or surface.
  • NOT to brush off their clothes.
  • Remain where they are.
  • Call Protective Services at 780-492-5050.
  • Cooperate with emergency responders.
  • Contact their supervisor at the earliest safe opportunity.
  • If there are any media on-site, refer their questions to University Relations.

Protective Services will:

  • Assess and determine possible contamination.
  • Evaluate the risk and further measures to be taken.

The supervisor will:

  • Ensure that all staff members are aware of the incident.
  • Give instructions to other staff members.

Suspicious Persons, Crime or Unusual Behaviour

To respond to a Suspicious Person or Unusual Behaviour, all staff members will:

  • Be aware of what is going on around them at all times.
  • Tell their supervisor when you notice unusual or suspicious behaviour.
  • Call Protective Services at 780-492-5050 if they are in doubt and concerned.
  • Follow directions from Protective Services.
  • Refer any media who are on-site to University Relations.

The supervisor will:

  • Call Protective Services at 780-492-5050 if they are in doubt and concerned.
  • Follow directions from Protective Services.
  • Ensure that all staff members are aware of the incident.
  • Give instructions to other staff members.

Smoke or Fire

To respond to fire or smoke in an area, the person who detects the fire or smoke will:

  • Remove those in immediate danger if safe to do so.
  • Extinguish the fire if it is safe to do so.
  • Leave the space.
  • Close the room door when leaving.
  • Activate building alarms.
  • Leave the building through the nearest FIRE EXIT.
  • CALL 911 to report the emergency.
  • Follow direction from 911 dispatchers.
  • Give information about the fire to Floor Wardens or the Building Warden; or Report to the Main Building Fire Panel.
  • Notify their supervisor at the earliest safe opportunity.
  • If there are any media on-site, refer their questions to University Relations.

All staff members will:

  • Evacuate their areas to the muster point.
  • Escort visitors and students out to the muster point.
  • People who cannot evacuate due to mobility challenges will:
    • Report to the nearest emergency exit stairwell and remain there.
    • Identify themselves to the Floor Warden or to Protective Services at 780-492-5050.
  • NOT use the elevator.
  • Follow directions from Floor Wardens.
  • NOT re-enter the building until they are told it is safe to do so.
  • Report to the muster area.

The supervisor will:

  • Notify EHS on-call (780-868-0489).
  • Ensure that all staff members are aware of the incident.
  • Give instructions to other staff members.

Hazardous Materials Release of Spill

To respond to a small hazardous materials release with a known substance that does not create danger to staff in the immediate area, the person who detects the spill will:

  • Secure or isolate the area to prevent others from coming in contact with the spill.
  • Notify qualified clean-up personnel or spill designates.
  • Notify supervisor.

Qualified clean-up personnel will:

  • Consult the manufacturer's material safety data sheets.
  • Cleaned up the spill with the proper equipment and protection.

To respond to a large hazardous materials spill or one that is unidentified or known to be dangerous or radioactive, the person who detects the spill will:

  • Alert others in the immediate area.
  • Assist any injured people if it is safe to do so.
  • Pull the fire alarm. Evacuate the area and go to the building muster point.
  • Flush any affected skin area with copious amounts of clean water.
  • Call 911 or the Control Centre 780-492-5555 and report the incident and any injuries, and request that ventilation systems be shut down.
  • Notify their supervisor at the earliest safe opportunity.
  • Secure or isolate the area to prevent unqualified personnel from entering the contaminated area.

All staff members will:

  • Evacuate when told to do so and go to the building muster point.
  • People who cannot evacuate due to mobility challenges will:
    • Report to the nearest emergency exit stairwell and remain there.
    • Identify themselves to the Floor Warden or to Protective Services at 780-492-5050.
  • Follow direction from emergency responders.
  • Report any medical symptoms to the medical responders.
  • If there are any media on-site, refer their questions to University Relations.

The supervisor will:

  • Request that the Control Centre (780-492-5555) notify EHS on-call (780-868-0489).
  • Ensure that all staff members are aware of the incident.
  • Give instructions to other staff members.

Workplace Violence

Workplace violence could include:

  • Threats, direct or implied.
  • Physical conduct that results in harm to people or property.
  • Behaviour that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile environment.

To respond to workplace violence without an immediate threat, staff members who are aware of a violent situation will:

  • Attempt to defuse the situation if possible.
  • Remain calm.
  • NOT put themselves at increased risk if possible.
  • Speak in a soft, non-threatening manner.
  • Not touch the person or try to disarm them.
  • Ask the person to leave the area and the building or advise the person that they will call their supervisor to assist them.
  • Avoid hostile actions or interactions except to maintain personal safety.
  • Report the incident to Protective Services and their supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Activate applicable personal portable alarm if available and safe to do so.
  • Try to leave the area, get out of the building or into the nearest room out of sight of the person, turn out the lights and lock the door.
  • If there are any media on-site, refer their questions to University Relations.

The supervisor will:

  • Ensure that all staff members are aware of the incident.
  • Give instructions to other staff members.

To respond to workplace violence where an immediate threat exists, staff members immediately threatened will:

  • Get Out - Hide - Fight
  • Escape if possible.
  • Lock out a violent individual if possible, and turn out lights and silence phones.
  • Hide under a desk or other pieces of furniture or equipment.
  • Keep still, stay silent and listen.
  • If possible call 911 and report the emergency.
  • Follow direction from 911.
  • Stay in your hiding place and listen for instructions from emergency response team or other rescuers from emergency responders.
  • Will take deliberate action if unable to get out or hide.

The supervisor will:

  • Ensure that all staff members are aware of the incident.
  • Give instructions to other staff members.

Water, Power, or Heat Emergencies

To respond to Water, Power, or Heat Emergencies, all staff members will:

  • Contact Facilities and Operations (F&O) at 780-492-4833 to report the emergency.
  • Follow directions from F&O.
  • In the case of loss of power, "shed loads" by turning off non-essential systems to facilitate re-energizing of buildings.
  • Assist persons who require assistance.

Supervisors will:

  • Check work areas and surrounding areas for potentially trapped personnel.
  • Communicate the outage to staff and visitors.

Weather Emergencies

To respond to vehicle accidents, all staff members will:

Vehicle Accidents

To respond to weather emergencies, all staff members will:

  • Notify other staff that the emergency exists.
  • Notify visitors that the emergency exists.
  • Follow directions given by Environment Canada, or municipal officials, or first responders.

Supervisors will:

  • Determine whether staff members should go home in advance of a weather warning.

Additional Information + Emergency Response Procedures

Further information on emergency response procedures may be found at: