Former Faculty Member Wins APS Award

A former member of our department, Gary Wells, has been named a James McKeen Cattell Fellow for 2017 by the Association for Psychological Science.

1 May 2017

A former member of our department, Gary Wells, has been named a James McKeen Cattell Fellow for 2017 by the Association for Psychological Science. This award "honors individuals for their lifetime of significant intellectual achievements in applied psychological research and their impact on a critical problem in society at large." The APS names only three such fellows per year and the list of past recipients is impressive (e.g., Albert Bandura, Anne Anastasi, Robert Sternberg, Paul Meehl, Scott Lilienfeld, Elizabeth Loftus, Ann Brown, Lee Cronbach, Urie Bronfenbrenner, . . .). Gary's research on eyewitness testimony, which he developed at the U of A, has contributed significantly to reforms in justice and law enforcement systems. For details, see: