Undergraduate Laboratories

Physics Undergraduate Laboratories

Department of Physics Undergraduate Laboratories


What we offer

The Undergraduate Laboratories (UGL) unit is responsible for the overall operations of the physics undergraduate labs, including computational labs. We provide:

  • instructional support to teaching faculty members,
  • in-class lecture demonstrations,
  • audio-visual resources, and
  • assistance with midterm and final examinations.
The unit also normally runs a high school physics outreach program. Twice a year, high school physics teachers from all over Alberta are invited to bring their classes for a half-day lab session each, where they do three physics experiments related to their curriculum. This outreach program has had to be suspended as of September 2018.

Where to find us

  • Office of Academic Director: CCIS L1-187
  • Shop: CCIS L2-069
  • Lost and found: CCIS L2-069
  • Undergraduate laboratories: CCIS Level L2

