Westcott Fellowship

The Carl H. Westcott Fellowship is awarded each year to a graduate student whose research work is being carried out at TRIUMF or on TRIUMF-related projects.

The student applicant must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in Canada. Candidates should expect to receive the degree noted in their application no earlier than April 30 following the application deadline. The value of the fellowship  is $10,800. A list of former Westcott Fellowship holders can be found here.

Eligible Thesis Work

Eligible candidates are those whose thesis work is based on activities that involve:

  • using the TRIUMF primary proton or secondary channel beams;
  • using ISAC;
  • nuclear medicine;
  • material sciences; or
  • strong collaborations with TRIUMF.

If applicable, the thesis work should have been reviewed and approved by one of the TRIUMF Experimental Evaluation Committees.

Eligible Research Programs

Off-site research programs are eligible provided that the candidate has significant research activity on site at TRIUMF or in strong collaboration with TRIUMF, and that the program is one of the following:

  • Ultra-Cold Neutron Project
  • Linear Collider R+D
  • Experiments at SNOLAB (DEAP, SNO+, HALO, EXO)
  • T2K

The Fellowship is tenable at any university whose faculty members are actively engaged in research at TRIUMF.

Unsuccessful applicants may re-apply in open competition in subsequent years. The Fellowship may be held simultaneously with other fellowships, scholarships or bursaries.

Application Process

Download the application

The applications should be forwarded by the Head or Chair of the university department where the student is accredited, citing the faculty supervisor and the degree being pursued.

Completed applications should be sent by email to:

Suzette Chan (Email: schan@ualberta.ca; Subject: Westcott Award)
The Westcott Awards Committee
Centre for Particle Physics
University of Alberta
Edmonton AB   T6G 2E1

All applications must be received by February 15, 2025.