Support Staff
General Inquiries
CCIS 4-181
(780) 492-5287
CCIS 4-181
(780) 492-5287
Administrative Personnel |
Name | Title | CCIS Office | Office Phone | Email |
Beltran, Berta |
Graduate Coordinator / Administrator | 4-195 | physgrad | |
Brown, Alexis | Space Physics Program Coordinator | 3-238 | amachura | |
Bruha, Joanne | Department Administrative Coordinator | 4-197 | (780) 492-5875 | jmbruha |
Chan, Suzette | Administrative Assistant to the Physics Executive | 4-201 | (780) 492-1052 | suzette.chan |
Foster, Kyle | Undergraduate Lab Coordinator | L1-183 | (780) 492-3097 | kdf |
Ikeda, Danielle | Administrative Assistant to Davis and LeBlanc Labs | 3-149 | dikeda1 | |
Kaminsky, Kirk | Undergraduate Program Advisor | 4-185 | (780) 492-1070 | physugrd |
Kidd, Sara | Wolkow Group Administrative Assistant | (780) 492-4908 | skidd | |
Morrish, William | Undergraduate Lab Coordinator | wmorrish | ||
Pak, Christian | Project Coordinator, Van der Baan Group | 3-149 | christianpak | |
Technical Personnel |
Name | Title | CCIS Lab or Shop | Office Phone | Email |
Cameron, Jordan | Machinist | L2-259 | (780) 492-3524 | jjcamero |
Davis, Paul | Particle Physics Electronics Technician | L2-277 | (780) 492-7402 | paul.matthew.davis |
Freeman, Benjamin | Particle Physics Mechanical Design | 2-114 | brfreema | |
Garen, Craig | Woodside Group Biochemical Physics Technician | 3-139 | cgaren | |
Gibson, Graham | Astronomical Software Developer | gwgibson | ||
Gill, Manvir | Specialist Technician | L1-059 | manvir3 | |
Guirguis, Adel | Particle Physics Mechanical Design Technologist | 2-092 | aguirgui | |
Ilkiw, Herbert | Particle Physics Measurement Technologist | 2-092 | hsilkiw | |
Kirchner, Russell | UGL Technician | L1-191C | (780) 492-1076 | rkirchne |
Ko, Youngtak | Engineering Technologist (Particle Physics group) | L2-277 | (780) 492-7402 | youngtak |
Maunder, Adam | Particle Physics Electronics Technologist | L2-277C | amaunder | |
McLaren, Darryl | Machinist | L2-259 | (780) 492-3524 | mclare1 |
Milling, David | Senior Magnetometry Programs Consultant | 3-245 | dmilling | |
Perricone, Steven |
Junior Mechanical Design Engineer | perricon | ||
Popowich, Greg | Specialist Technician | L2-328 | (780) 492-4917 | ggp |
Rangen, Michael | Particle Physics Electronics Technologist | L2-277C | mrangen | |
Rasouli, Samira | Laboratory Technician | rasoulik | ||
Raul-Omar, Carli | Software Developer, Rosolowsky Group | raulomar | ||
Rogers, Taylor | UGL Technician | L1-191C | (780) 492-1076 | tsrogers |
Schrandt, Michael | CARISMA Field Technician | 3-244 | schrandt | |
Soluk, Richard | Particle Physics Detector Technologist | 2-089 | (780) 907-4516 | rsoluk |
Tamre, Tamesgen | Software Developer, Rosolowsky Group | |||
Walburger, Lindsey | Machinist | L2-259 |
Are you a staff member or supervisor with updates to this list? Contact Suzette Chan.