Directions to CCIS
The CCIS building is Number 13 on the campus map. It is south of the Biological Sciences building and north of the Main Quad.
The red star in the southwest corner of CCIS indicates the location of the observatory.
- The LRT station is a 5 minute walk away from CCIS.
- Bicycle racks are located near the South entrances to the building.
- The most convenient parking lots are Lot V (near the Faculty Club, which is northwest of CCIS), Lot E (on the northeast side of CCIS), and Windsor Car Park (west of CCIS).
- Click here for Information about parking locations and visitor parking rates.

Directions Inside CCIS
- Enter CCIS and walk to the atrium at the West end of the building on the Main floor. The west atrium has a large hanging model of the solar system.
- The west elevators are in the back corner towards Saturn, through the side doors next to the washrooms (shown with red arrows on the image to the right).
- Take the elevator to the 5th floor.
- Turn left as you exit the elevator. You are now at the top of the west atrium. The observatory is in room CCIS 5-240, diagonally across the west atrium, at the Southwest corner of the 5th floor.