Graduate Student Awards: January to June

Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize
Endowed by the University of Alberta
Named for Andrew Stewart, President of the University of Alberta from 1950 to 1959 under whose administration the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research was created

Eligibility: Available to full-time PhD candidates who have completed two or more years of their PhD program and are actively engaged in thesis research at the time the award is offered. Major scholarship holders may apply unless restricted by the granting agency. A student may hold the award only once. All fields are eligible for funding. No restrictions on citizenship. Twenty awards are granted each year. Selection is based partly on academic merit, but research accomplishment while registered in a doctoral program at the University of Alberta is the major criterion.

Dissertation Fellowship
University of Alberta
Value: $22,000 plus tuition and fees up to the maximum cost for registration in the equivalent of nine normal credit weights in courses or thesis research per term (or Thesis 919) during the Fall/Winter Terms (September to April), as well as the International Graduate Student Differential Fee, if applicable.

Eligibility: Designed for students who have a firm expectation of completing a doctoral program within 12 months following tenure. Recipients must commence their tenure between May 1 and October 1, and must pass their candidacy examinations before taking up the award. No other duties, teaching or otherwise, may be undertaken, and recipients must be working full-time on their program. Recipients are not eligible for any further assistance from scholarship or assistantship funds after the conclusion of the 12-month tenure. No restrictions on citizenship. All fields are eligible for funding. Approximately 20 awards are granted each year.

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship
University of Alberta
Value: $35,000 a year.
This is the most prestigious graduate award administered by the University of Alberta. Every effort is made to honor the criteria set out in the will of Dorothy Killam. It was Mrs Killam's desire that those awarded scholarships and fellowships be likely to contribute to the advancement of learning or to win distinction in their profession. Killam scholars should not be one-sided and their intellect should be complemented by a sound character. The scholarship will cover the International Graduate Student Differential Fee associated with registration in the equivalent of 9 normal course weights (equivalent to 18 fee index units) in courses or thesis research per term during the Fall and Winter Terms (September to December; January to April), or in Thesis 919, if applicable.

Eligibility: Offered to outstanding students registered in, or admissible to, a doctoral program. Applicants must have completed at least one year of graduate work (master's or doctoral level) before start of tenure; tenure to begin 1 May or 1 September. Granted for two years (subject to review after the first year). No restrictions on citizenship. All fields are eligible for funding. Approximately 12 awards are granted each year.

Graduate Student Teaching Award
Eligibility: Must be in good academic standing and must be making good progress in their degree program. Awards will go to students who are considered outstanding teachers. Students whose teaching duties are outside their home unit will be considered, for the purpose of adjudication, to be from the unit in which the teaching duties are assigned. Students who function as part-time secessional instructors will also be considered as eligible for the award. Graduate students must be nominated within one year of completing their term as graduate teaching assistants. The awardees must have taught as graduate teaching assistants for a minimum of two academic (four month) terms, which may include the term in which the nomination is made.

Adjudication criteria for the Graduate Student Teaching Award are listed below:

  • Exhibits a consistently superior command of the subject matter being taught and attempts to provide students with a comprehensive, coherent understanding of the subject matter
  • Is prepared, organized and able to explain the subject clearly
  • Is respected and trusted by students. Instills in students interest and enthusiasm for the subject
    Is willing to spend time with students and is available and approachable outside the classroom or laboratory
  • Presents the subject matter at a level appropriate to students
  • Takes care and is prompt in marking assignments; gives feedback and direction and promotes self-assessment by students

Please ensure you include the following information with your scholarship application:

  1. Clearly defined teaching responsibilities (including course name(s)
  2. Supporting documents from professors, students and/or peers, providing evidence of teaching excellence
  3. Evidence of any courses taken (i.e. courses offered by university teaching services)
Nominations depend on outstanding candidate applications. The committee will not present the award if candidates do not qualify.

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