Monthly Rates
Parking Location
Permit Type
Carpool Permits
The carpool rate is the chosen lot's regular rate divided between three sharers. Carpool permits are available for Lot E, Jubilee Car Park and Windsor Car Park (Level 5).
For full details on carpool permits, see Sustainability Initiatives.
Permit rates include GST and are approved annually by the Board of Governors of the University of Alberta. Visit Parking Regulations or contact Parking Services for more information about UAlberta's parking lots and parking permits.
Monthly Permit Renewals
Monthly renewable permits must be renewed online prior to the expiry date. Parking Services will send you a reminder by email (please add to your contact list).
Renewal of these permits is not guaranteed as Parking Services is holding spaces for U of A staff members who are currently working from home or on lay off.
Student Parking Permits
Are you a student considering a parking permit? Check out your options!
Visitor Parking
Most parking facilities on campus offer daily and hourly rates. See Visitor Parking for more information.
Permit Cancellations
All UAlberta parking permits are valid until their expiry date. If you don't need your permit for its full duration, you may cancel it. Learn how to cancel your parking permit.
Account Updates
If you get a new vehicle or change your licence plate, please notify Parking Services. Update your vehicle information by logging into your Parking Services account.