KUSP welcomes Postdoctoral Fellows!

KUSP would like to announce the arrival of two postdoctoral fellows in the fall of 2008. Susan Slaughter, arriving in October, was recently awarded the first ever Elizabeth Dickson Knowledge

12 August 2008

KUSP would like to announce the arrival of two postdoctoral fellows in the fall of 2008. Susan Slaughter, arriving in October, was recently awarded the first ever Elizabeth Dickson Knowledge Translation Fellowship Prize in recognition of being the top ranked applicant in Canada in her competition. She also received a CIHR Fellowship in the area of Mobility and Aging and an AHFMR Fellowship Award. Susan's postdoctoral research focuses on developing interventions to speed the use of research that will increase mobility in residents with dementia. Dr. Anastasia Mallidou, arriving in September, was recently awarded a CHSRF Capacity for Applied and Developmental Research and Evaluation in Health Services and Nursing (CADRE) Postdoctoral Award and an AHFMR Health Fellowship Award. She is co-supervised by Drs. Carole Estabrooks and Greta Cummings and will be working in the TREC data unit, as well as on Dr. Cummings QUEST project. Anastasia's decision-maker partner is Corinne Schalm at Shepherd's Care. Corinne is a CHSRF EXTRA alumnus and a TREC decision-maker.

Susan and Anastasia will be joining Dr. Anne-Marie Bostrom and Dr. Alison Hutchinson, current KUSP postdoctoral fellows. Dr. Bostrom, who has been with KUSP since April 2008, was awarded the first ever Dementia and Veterans Fellowship, jointly funded by CIHR and Capital Care, as well as the AHFMR Fellowship Award. Anne-Marie has a regular placement at the Capital Care Kipnes Centre for Veteran's; her decision-making partners are Dr. Doris Milke and Betty Kowalski. Dr. Alison Hutchinson, who has been with KUSP since July 2007, was awarded a CIHR Fellowship in Knowledge Translation and the AHFMR Fellowship Award. Alison is also a CIHR Team in Children's Pain postdoctoral fellow (PI: Dr. Bonnie Steven's, Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto). All postdoctoral fellows are supported by the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta.

KUSP postdoctoral fellows will be working within the Translating Research in Elder Care (TREC) program, as well as other programs of research within KUSP and elsewhere.