National Nursing Week

Celebrating our nursing leaders.

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National Nursing Week

Marking National Nursing Week

From May 6 - 12, 2024, The Faculty of Nursing recognizes our inspiring alumni and our current and future nursing leaders, and we celebrate our deep tradition of research and academic excellence.

Carmel Montgomery

Celebrating nurses as global change-makers

University of Alberta nurses are leading the way in patient care, patient advocacy, treatment innovation and training the next generation of health-care professionals.

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Chelsey Jeffrey
Back to her future
A childhood connection with nurses leads Chelsey Jeffrey to work at the hospital that inspired her nursing career.

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Makayla Mantla
Indigenous nursing student is breaking barriers and embracing her heritage to inspire others 

From overcoming self-doubt to excelling as a student, Makayla Mantla's journey as a First Nations, Treaty 11, Tlicho citizen and nursing student at the U of A is inspiring Indigenous youth to embrace their potential.

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Hannah O'Rourke

 The global crisis of loneliness

Hannah O’Rourke says more research is needed on the serious health effects of loneliness and social isolation, especially for those with cognitive impairment.

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Colleen Norris 
Five things all women should know about their hearts

Women face risks and causes of heart disease that men don’t — and knowing the differences is important to help them protect and advocate for their health.

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20 per cent of parents feel uncertain caring for their child after discharge from pediatric emergency: study

Providing more updates, paying better attention to parents’ emotional needs could help ease pressures of ER crowding, say study leads.

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moral distress
Better communication key to mitigating moral distress for nurses, say researchers

Study of conditions in pediatric intensive care units aims to stem the flow of nurses leaving the profession.

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youth with phone
Reddit posts reveal youth struggles with mental health and getting support

Stigma still a big problem despite awareness campaigns and literacy efforts, study suggests. 

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Salima Meherali
Empowering women through innovative numeracy and literacy tools

Nursing researcher Salima Meherali and her team have introduced easy-to-use financial and health resources that are building independence in the women of northern Pakistan.

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