Collaborative Program

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)-Collaborative Program is primarily for high school graduates or those who have some post-secondary education, and is designed as a four year full-time program.

The program is called "collaborative" because, in addition to being offered at the University of Alberta campus in Edmonton, all four years can be taken at Red Deer Polytechnic (formerly Red Deer College), Keyano College (Fort McMurray) or Northwestern Polytechnic (formerly Grande Prairie Regional College). If students wish to enroll in a location other than the University of Alberta, they should apply directly to that specific institution. After the third year of the program, students from those three locations apply to the University of Alberta and are considered U of A students for their fourth year, but still remain at the campus of the original institution.

NOTE: "Individuals who have previously completed a recognized university degree in any field are not eligible for the BScN-Collaborative Program at the University of Alberta campus and should refer to the BScN-After Degree Program.


NOTE: In addition to the admission requirements, a number of Health and Safety Requirements are required for clinical practice that must be met upon admission to the Faculty of Nursing.

Indigenous Applicants

The BScN-Collaborative Program has six designated seats per year for Indigenous students. Indigenous students can also enter this program through the University of Alberta's Transition Year Program (TYP).


A complete list of the University of Alberta deadlines can be found on the  University Calendar.

Complete list of University of Alberta deadlines
Deadlines Date
Application deadline
Application form and application fee due.
March 1
Casper deadline (last testing date) May 2
Document deadline for high school applicants
All program requirements completed and transcripts/documents due
Aug. 1
Document deadline for post-secondary applicants
All program requirements completed and transcripts/documents due
June 15
Health and safety requirements deadline
Refer to the Health and Safety Requirements page

Course Sequence

Below is the course sequence for those undertaking full-time studies. For more information, refer to the University Calendar.

  • The number in brackets beside the course name indicates the units of course weight ("credits") for that particular course.
  • Course names that end in "Practice" are clinical placements/experiences done in off-campus health-care facilities.
  • Complete course descriptions are available on Bear Tracks. If you do not have a U of A Campus Computing ID, you can login to Bear Tracks as a Guest.

The most recent course sequence has been updated below September 2024 - sourced from the University Calendar. Changes to the Program as of 2024 are indicated in italics: the total hours and credit load of the program are unchanged.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Collaborative Program (as of Fall 2024)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
Collaborative Program (as of Fall 2024)

NURS 106 (★6) Foundations of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing

INT D 120 (★3) Medical Microbiology for Health Care Professionals

NURS 120 (★4) Foundations for Success in Nursing

English or WRS (★3) (See Note 1)

NURS 116 (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I

NURS 123 (★3) Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan

NURS 124 (★3) Foundations of Nursing I

NURS 125 (★4) Nursing Practice - Health Assessment & Nursing Process

Open Elective (★3) (See Note 3)

INT D 222 (★3) Indigenous Health in Canada 


NURS 220 (★3) Foundations of Nursing II

NURS 221 (★6) Introductory Nursing Practice I

NURS 216A (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II (part A - ★6 total)

NURS 211 (★3) Statistics and Knowledge Management (See Note 2)

NURS 311 (★3) Evidence Informed Nursing Practice

NURS 216B (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II (part B - ★6 total)

NURS 224 (★3) Foundations of Nursing III

NURS 225 (★6) Introductory Acute Care Nursing Practice II

Open Elective (★3) (See Note 3)


NURS 322 (★3) Maternal/Child Nursing Practice and NURS 323 (★4) Community Nursing through the Lifespan OR

NURS 327 (★6) Mental Health & Wellness in Nursing

NURS 321 (★6) Advanced Acute Care Nursing Practice I

**NURS 300 (★3) Health Policy, Health Care Organizations, Change Management

**NOTE: students admitted Fall 2024 onward will take NURS 205(★3) Innovation, Leadership, Policy, and Health Care Organizations instead of NURS 200 and 300

NURS 327 (★6) Mental Health & Wellness in Nursing OR

NURS 322 (★3) Maternal/Child Nursing Practice and NURS 323 (★4) Community Nursing through the Lifespan

NURS 325 (★6) Advanced Acute Care Nursing Practice II

INT D 408 (★2) Interprofessional Initiatives


NURS 485 (★12) Nursing Practice in a Focused Area

Note: NURS 485 and INT D 420/NURS 422/425 are offered in both terms of Year 4. Students will register in either NURS 485 or INT D 420/NURS 422/425 in each of those terms.

NURS 422 (★3) Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Ethics & Law

NURS 425 (★6) Nursing Leadership in a Focus Area

INT D 420 (★3) Perspectives on Inclusive and Global Health 


Program Notes:

  1. Any junior- or senior-level English or Writing Studies course with the exception of ENGL 150 (Note: Credit in ENGL 150 does not fulfill the English requirement for Nursing). Students should consult Department of English guidelines regarding prerequisites for senior-level courses. May be taken in Fall Term or Winter Term of Year 1.
  2. An equivalent STAT (★3) course may be accepted in lieu of NURS 211.
  3. Open Elective to be selected from a discipline of the student's choice. It must be completed by the end of Year 3 in order to progress to Year 4.

The following sequence was effective until March 2022.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Collaborative Program (as of Mar 2022)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
Collaborative Program (as of Mar 2022)

NURS 106 (★6) Foundations of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing

MMI 133 (★3) Medical Microbiology for Health Care Professionals

NURS 120 (★4) Foundations for Success in Nursing

English or WRS (★3) (See Note 1)

NURS 116 (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I

NURS 124 (★3) Foundations of Nursing I

NURS 125 (★4) Nursing Practice - Health Assessment & Nursing Process

NURS 200 (★3) Innovation, Systems Thinking & Leadership in Healthcare

Open Elective (★3) See Note 3)

INT D 222 (★3) Indigenous Health in Canada  (Equivalent to NURS 222, credit cannot be obtained for both)


NURS 220 (★3) Foundations of Nursing II

NURS 221 (★6) Introductory Nursing Practice I

NURS 216A (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II (part A - ★6 total)

NURS 211 (★3) Statistics and Knowledge Management (See Note 2)

NURS 311 (★3) Evidence Informed Nursing Practice

NURS 216B (★3) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II (part B - ★6 total)

NURS 224 (★3) Foundations of Nursing III

NURS 225 (★6) Introductory Acute Care Nursing Practice II

Open Elective (★3) (See Note 3)


NURS 323 (★6) Community Nursing through the Lifespan OR  NURS 327 (★6) Mental Health & Wellness in Nursing

NURS 321 (★6) Advanced Acute Care Nursing Practice I

NURS 300 (★3) Health Policy, Health Care Organizations, Change Management

NURS 327 ( ★6) Mental Health & Wellness in Nursing OR  NURS 323 ( ★6) Community Nursing through the Lifespan

NURS 325 ( ★6) Advanced Acute Care Nursing Practice II

NURS 400 (★3) Leadership in Nursing & Interprofessional Practice


NURS 485 (★12) Nursing Practice in a Focused Area

Note: NURS 485 and INT D 420/NURS 422/425 are offered in both terms of Year 4. Students will register in either NURS 485 or INT D 420/NURS 422/425 in each of those terms.

NURS 422 (★3) Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Ethics & Law

NURS 425 ( ★6) Nursing Leadership in a Focus Area

INT D 420 (★3) Perspectives on Inclusive and Global Health