
Questions and Answers with Dr. Greg King

Who are you? 

I’m an assistant professor of Environmental Science at the Augustana Faculty in Camrose.

What do you do?

My research and fieldwork focuses on vegetation change in the north. I use annual growth rings in both trees and shrubs to measure the age (how long has it been here?), growth rates (how much is it growing?), and what environmental factors influence vegetation (what controls growth?). Recent projects have combined fieldwork with satellite measurements of vegetation and involve canoe-based fieldwork, being out on the land for 5-6 weeks while sampling. This is important as it allows my research team to gain a greater perspective of the environment and northern ecology we are studying.

What got you interested in doing research and/or work in the north?

I took an introduction to geography course in the first year of my undergraduate at Carleton University with a professor who worked in northern Canada. He showed pictures of his fieldwork in the first lecture and I knew that was what I wanted to do! I then badgered him until he hired me to be a lab assistant and subsequently a field assistant in Yukon Territory.

Tell me about your most memorable/special experience about your time in the north.

Definitely our first canoe-based fieldwork in 2016. A team of four started above treeline, dropped of by floatplane and then paddled (and portaged…so much portaging) for 5 weeks south to Wekweeti. It was a fantastic and unique immersive experience in the Canadian north.

Links Greg's webpage and social media

CIMP funded research project #187 –

Greg’s Instagram - @prof.gk

Greg’s UAlberta website