
Welcome to UAlberta North


UAlberta North is an office established to bring fresh energy, institutional priority, and effective coordination to this full range of activity. Our work is relational. Reporting directly to the University's senior leadership, UAlberta North:

  • builds partnerships with northern governments, including Indigenous governments, communities, colleges and agencies - sometimes in collaboration with Faculties;
  • supports students through grants, awards, training, and summer internships, including the Engage North program;
  • supports faculty researchers, connecting them to opportunities, and showcasing their work;
  • amplifies the voices of northern knowledge-holders and focusing attention on key research and policy issues through workshops, lectures, films and other events; and
  • represents the University in relevant national and international organizations.

Student Showcase







Canada's UNDRIP Action Plan 2023-2028

The 2023-2028 Action Plan is the result of two years of working in consultation and cooperation with First Nations, Inuit and Métis from Across Canada. This Action Plan provides a roadmap of actions Canada needs to take in partnership with Indigenous peoples to implement the principles and rights set out in the UN Declaration and to further advance reconciliation. 

Read the Action Plan

Massive open online courses (mooc)


Arctic Development:  

Arctic: Development is a 4-week course created through a unique partnership between the University of Alberta and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Learners will explore the problems and opportunities facing northern communities and how these affect regional development in a changing Arctic

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Arctic Economy:  

Arctic: Economy is a 3-week course created through a unique partnership between the University of Alberta and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Learners will investigate the economic challenges faced by Indigenous, North American, Russian and Nordic Arctic communities in a modern world.

More Information


Introduction to the Arctic: Climate  

Introduction to the Arctic: Climate is a 4-lesson course created through an international collaboration.

Students explore the regional geography, climate, and ecosystems and this region's connection to the rest of our planet.

More Information


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