MyL3Plan supports Practice Improvement (PPI)



My L3 Plan supports practice improvement

The Future of Medical Education in Canada- Continuing Professional Development report recently called for the adoption of new CPD methods to support practice improvement and improve the health of Canadians.

The RCPSC, the CFPC as well as the Provincial regulators are requiring physicians to incorporate into their practice the following activities: practice-driven quality improvement using objective data, personal development and wellness.

My L3 Plan is a free online tool that promotes self-reflection to identify areas to advance your practice with an emphasis on developing a concrete plan for implementing practice changes. 

My L3 Plan can be used to meet and support your practice improvement activities by completing the Physician Practice Improvement (PPI) cycles required by the CPSA: College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta

  • Practice-driven quality improvement activity using objective data (CQI)cycle 
  • Personal Development (PD) cycle
  • Standards of Practice quality improvement activity (SOP) cycle
What is the purpose of My Lifelong Learning Plan (MyL3Plan)?

My L3 Plan can be used to complete your Physician Practice Improvement (PPI) cycles required by the CPSA: College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta.

The practice improvement cycles, can be applied to any element of your profession, such as education, research, administration, clinical practice, and is composed of a five-step learning cycle.


*Adapted from FMRAC PPI System-February 2016

By using the MyL3 Plan tool you will be able to:
  • Reflect on day-to-day experiences to identify priority areas to advance your practice
  • Develop a concrete plan for implementing practice changes by completing PPI cycles
  • Recognize and monitor areas for improvement through ongoing reflection
  • Select appropriate resources and learning opportunities to achieve your learning goals, and implement practice changes.
Ready to sign up?

To get started with My L3 Plan, please complete the sign-up form. You will receive 2 emails. One with the instructions on how to open your eClass external account (email Subject: MyL3Plan) and the second one (email subject: Your survey login information) which includes login information (email and password) to access your cycles.

Register now

Accreditation information

CFPC Members: This 3 credit-per-hour Self-Learning activity has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 36 Mainpro+ certified credits for the completion of three cycles, which can be submitted individually. In order to claim credits, you must complete your cycle and the reflective activity which is emailed upon completion of your cycle.

RCPSC members: Log in to your MAINPORT account on the Royal College site and claim your MOC Section 2‐Self‐Learning Activities: Personal Learning Project (PLP) (2 credits per hour).

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