About Us

The Wâpanachakos Indigenous Health Program (WIHP) follows the mandate to support the growth in the number of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people in the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry programs, in order to address the gap in the underrepresentation of Indigenous peoples in health professions in Alberta and across Canada. Through our collaborative and holistic program, we provide wrap-around support to qualified Indigenous applicants as they enter into, and graduate successfully from, the U of A's health sciences programs.

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Meet the Team

Wayne Clark

WAYNE INUGLAK CLARK, EdD, MA, BBA  (ᐅᐊᐃᓐ  ᐃᓄᒡᓚᒃ ᑲᓛᒃ)
Executive Director

Paulette Dahlseide

Paulette Dahlseide
Program Lead

Nicole Cardinal

Nicole Cardinal, MD
Clinician Lead, Education (PGME)

Liz Erasmus

Liz Erasmus, MD
Clinician Lead, Education (UME)

Andrew Volk

Andrew Volk, MD
Clinician Lead, Student Mentorship and Support

Neill Fox, MD
Clinician Lead, Indigenous Program Outreach

Alyssa-Lynne Perry

Alyssa-Lynne Perry, B.Ed
Education Coordinator

Taylor Turvey

Taylor Turvey, B.Ed
Community Engagement and Recruitment Coordinator

Rick Lightning

Rick Lightning
Elder in Residence, Circle of Elders

Hazel McKennit

Hazel McKennit
Knowledge Keeper, Circle of Elders

Alvina Lake, Eagle Woman
Knowledge Keeper, Circle of Elders

Our guiding principles

  • Respect: Caring for others and being open and inclusive by having a good spirit.
  • Reciprocity: Valuing cultivation of reciprocal relationships between humans and ecosystems.
  • Relationship: Understanding and respecting relationships with the environment, animals, the spiritual realm, and to one another.
  • Renewal: Examining epistemology and knowledge to restore the balance between people and nature that Indigenous people conceived.

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